Where Will People Train When Gyms Open, Post COVID-19 – Press Release – Digital Journal
People will be looking for clean, private training gyms such as Performance incorporated.
Performance Incorporated has always been very clean and very private. This business was created with the goal of giving clients a clean facility, a private atmosphere, and an effective workout every time they train.
Clients have the opportunity to train with an educated, experienced, adult trainer. Most of the trainers have the NSCA-CSCS certification. A college degree is just one of the many requirements to sit for the CSCS exam. The CSCS uses science to create safe and effective workouts, rather than just assigning popular exercises. These strength coaches take time to carefully plan each workout and teach proper exercise technique with client goals in mind.
Most CSCS’s train athletes. The CSCS certification is actually a requirement for training professional and college athletes. Clients are in good hands when they work with a CSCS.
The Performance Incorporated strength coaches also train adults interested in weight loss and general fitness. And those looking to improve their game whether it be tennis, golf, or another sport would greatly benefit from training at Performance Incorporated.
With the variety of strength coaches at Performance Incorporated, every base is covered. Whether the client is an 8-year-old baseball player or a senior citizen, the strength coaches at this gym are ready, willing, and able to help.
The people in Essex County also have the chance to take private Yoga training and small group yoga classes. Yoga is for adults and children. Private yoga allows the client to really relax and focus on exercise technique, breathing, and flexibility.
Besides training clients inside their private gym, Performance Incorporated offers outdoor agility and speed training as well as the Video Combine service. Performance Incorporated coaches test athletes using technology to evaluate their skills and abilities. The science-based approach lets athletes know where they stand, while allowing coaches to evaluate the success of their programs.
The Training Table program is a program that wires the brain on how to eat, what to eat, and how to keep things in balance with a combination of nutrition and strength training. It’s really interesting and effective.
And for those enjoying the Online Training, it will continue after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clients feel good knowing they will reach their goals with this online training.
For information on these or the other programs visit www.PerformanceIncTraining.com or find Performance Incorporated on facebook.
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