West Essex PBA Golf Outing To Fund Scholarship, Fight Bullying – Verona, NJ Patch

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The following news release comes courtesy of the West Essex PBA Local 81. Learn more about posting announcements or events to your local Patch site here.
The West Essex P.B.A. is hosting its annual golf outing on Monday, June 10, 2019 at the Essex Fells Country Club in Essex Fells. This golf outing funds the scholarship program which awards seven $1500 scholarships annually to students from Cedar Grove, James Caldwell, and West Essex Regional High Schools. Additionally, portions will support our general account, local charities, and the Mallory’s Army Foundation.
The West Essex PBA has taken a strong stance in supporting the Mallory’s Army Foundation this year by attending fundraisers and supporting the charity through donations. The officers in the West Essex PBA play an active role in the West Essex area school systems as resource officers and L.E.A.D. instructors. We are dedicated to promoting a positive role in our communities and educate our students about the ramifications of bullying.
Mallory Rose Grossman was an amazing 12 year old girl who took her own life after horrific bullying on June 14, 2017. Through the pain of this tragedy, her parents, Dianne and Seth Grossman have founded a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation named Mallory’s Army. Our mission is focused on changing behavior, providing education to parents and creating enrichment program for schools so that we can all work together in an effort to eradicate bullying.
Please note that we are currently sold out and full for golfers.
Sponsorship Packages are as follows:
- Gold Sponsor: $1000 – Business name displayed at breakfast & lunch, (1) Tee Box sponsor & opportunity to provide advertisement in giveaway bags.
- Silver Sponsor: $350 – Business name will be displayed at breakfast, lunch & (1) Tee Box sponsor.
- Bronze Sponsor: $150 – Tee Box sponsor.
Interested sponsors please contact Brett Keepers at (973) 226-4114 or Bkeepers@pba81.org
The PBA also is accepting Sponorship’s Online at the following web address via credit card: https://securepayment.link/pba81
Please provide business name, address, and contact information or the information you want displayed on the tee box.
About the West Essex PBA Local #81
The West Essex Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Local #81 was formed in 1932 as a fraternal police organization that represented full time sworn police officers of the Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Essex Fells, Fairfield, Livingston, North Caldwell, Roseland, and West Caldwell Police Departments.
The West Essex PBA Local #81 has strived to keep an active role in the towns that our members serve. Through your generous donations and support of our fundraisers, we have been able to give back to our communities through sports team sponsorships, donations to local charities, and our annual PBA #81 college scholarships, which award seven $1500 scholarships to high school seniors from each of our seven towns. You will also see PBA Local #81 members participating charitable events such as the Law Enforcement Plane Pull, the Law Enforcement Torch Run, the Polar Bear Plunge, and the Police Unity Tour, to name a few.
About Mallory’s Army Foundation: http://mallorysarmy.org/
Mallory Rose Grossman, 12, of Rockaway, NJ, was an avid gymnast, cheerleader, and lover of all things outdoors. Her character at the young age of 12 making her more inspirational than the average adult. She was a compassionate, selfless, kind, and loving old soul. She enjoyed competitive gymnastics and cheerleading, teaching her determination and humility at a very young age. She loved summer weekends at her favorite campgrounds with her family where she would admire the simple pleasures of nature. Her love for her friends and family was beyond measurable. She had a heart of gold, when she found out children with cancer couldn’t go to summer camp for free her entrepreneurial wheels began to turn. She was a lover of arts and would make jewelry so she could raise money for her favorite charity, Camp Good Days. Her smile and giggle could light up a room instantly.
With so much life ahead the unimaginable occurred. Sadly, on June 14, 2017, Mallory took her own life because of horrific bullying. Mallory was a unique and innocent girl that taught us all a valuable lesson about life in her short time than many will encounter in a lifetime. All proceeds will be used to raise funds to support, the Mallory’s Army Foundation, and the Grossman family in their fight against bullying. Thank you for helping us BLUE OUT BULLYING by becoming a soldier of Mallory’s Army.
Send local news tips and correction requests to eric.kiefer@patch.com