West Caldwell Town Council Passes 2020 Municipal Budget – TAPinto.net

WEST CALDWELL, NJ — The members of the West Caldwell town council voted to unanimously approve the municipal budget for 2020.  The general appropriations for municipal purposes total $21,094,291.00, that include an allocation of $832,507.55 for Library purposes.  Anticipated revenue is $6,645,611.22 so therefore the amount to be collected for solely municipal purposes is $13,616.172.93 which includes a line item of $850,000 for uncollected taxes.  The budget represents an increase of 2.19% from last year’s budget and remains $212,466.00 under the allowable 2% levy cap.

Chief Financial Officer Nikole Baltycki reported the following figures as examples of the impact upon homeowners:  the average home assessed at $450,000 would realize an increase of $6.93 monthly; a home assessed at $550,000 would incur an increase of $8.25 month and a home assessed at $650,000 would see an increase of $9.75 a month.

Mayor Joseph Tempesta commented that the third quarter taxes are due no later than August 10 and the collection of municipal taxes “will dictate the balance of the year and what we can or cannot do.”  Tempesta thanked Chief Financial Officer Nikole Baltycki, department heads and Councilmen Michael Crudele and Joseph Cecere on their work crafting the budget.

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Consent agenda items included a resolution that “authorizes temporary relaxing of existing ordinances and procedures associated with review and approval for existing restaurants and food establishments and retail business provisions for outdoor dining and outdoor displays to provide assistance to local retail businesses under the current social distancing restrictions”.  Business owners are to contact the construction  code official’s office to submit an application of their intended outdoor expansion.

A resolution was passed which authorizes the “execution of a settlement agreement between the township of West Caldwell, County of Essex and the State of New Jersey and Fair Share Housing Center”.  The matter has been in litigation for a number of years and it was agreed upon that 72 units of lower and modest housing will be provided along with an overlay of 200 additional units.  The area where most of the housing will be is west of Passaic Avenue along Bloomfield Avenue also north of Bloomfield Avenue there will be a smaller number of units on Passaic Avenue.  The units will consist of condominiums, town homes and apartment rentals and will be primarily one and two bedrooms.

During committee reports Councilman Cecere announced that the recreation department will not be running the summer camp this year noting that “the rules and regulations are too restrictive”.  He stated that “it was a hard decision, but the safety of the children comes first.”  July 4 fireworks will be postponed and may take place Labor Day.  The Gazebo concerts will be starting later this summer most likely in July and will produce 4-6 shows.  The recreation department is looking into travel softball and baseball programs.  Cecere reported that Recreation Director Gabe DiMasi will be scheduling a high school senior pool party and is awaiting guidelines from the state. 

The library will be now offering curbside pickup available to West Caldwell residents who are library members only.  The book drop will be available, and all items will be sanitized.  Cecere along with his colleagues congratulated the high school seniors noting how much they have lost this year but noted that they did it with “class and dignity and that is not an end but a beginning.”

Council President Kathy Canale reported that the Hillside Avenue repaving and sidewalk project will be completed this week.  Senior Citizen transportation will hopefully resume next month.

Councilman Stanley Hladik thanked his colleagues for their work on the municipal budget and remarked that the budget “keeps West Caldwell a great town to live in that is affordable”.  He also thanked the Board of Health, West Caldwell Fire Volunteer Fire Department, West Caldwell Police Department and West Essex First Aid Squad for all of their continuing efforts during the pandemic.

Councilman Michael Docteroff said that the pools will open on June 24 and the pool season may extend into September.  The rules and regulations will be available on the department of recreation’s webpage but he confirmed the facilities will be routinely cleaned and disinfected, hand sanitizer stations will be available, bathroom monitors will be in place and he advised residents to bring their town basketballs and volleyballs for play as sports equipment will not be distributed.  Mayor Tempesta confirmed that the intent is to open both pools this summer.

Cecere confirmed a meeting took place with pool staff and 31 lifeguards are in place and have received CPR training.  Social distancing mandates will be complied with, including temperatures being checked.  He stated that as of this time guest passes will be not be available but that will be revisited as the summer continues.

Councilman Crudele reminded residents that Camp Wyanokie is open for hiking, fishing, and camping.  He also commented on the recent “peaceful demonstration” and noted the speakers were “passionate and sincere and it was a successful event.”

Town Clerk Mary Donavan reported that a vote by mail drop off box for ballots is available at town hall, located at 30 Clinton Road.  This is one of four drop off boxes in Essex County for the primary taking place July 7.  The ballots will be collected daily by a representative of the Essex County.

The next council meeting will be July 14.