West Caldwell Moves Forward with Harrison School Field Upgrades – TAPinto.net

WEST CALDWELL, NJ — During West Caldwell’s monthly township council meeting held on Tuesday, Gerard Moreno, project manager, and Ralph Tango, senior principal of Maser Consulting, P.A. provided an update for the Harrison School Field project.
Moreno explained how the design of the project worked around existing wetlands, but the design would not encroach upon the protected wetlands and still provide the upgrades sought. Council members had asked questions regarding plans for parking and to confirm that lighting would not be affecting nearby homeowners.
The project is estimated to total $1.9 million. West Caldwell will be utilizing a $150,000 grant from Essex County Open Space funds toward the project while the balance will be bonded. It is anticipated that the project will be completed during the spring of 2021.
The original intent was for a shared service project with the Borough of Caldwell to upgrade the facility as it is used by both municipality’s students and residents. Councilman Joseph Cecere when questioned if the project would be a shared service project with Caldwell responded, “Caldwell has been invited to join in on the project as this field will be beneficial to both communities.” Business Administrator Nikole Baltycki confirmed “they are not on board.”
“We are moving forward on this project with the Board of Education and thank you to the Executive Director of Essex County for providing Open Space Funds, a significant amount of $150,000,” Councilman Stanley Hladik noted. “It would have been nice for Caldwell to use their Open Space funds for the project, but I remember, Mayor Kelley said it would not be used for this project. But nevertheless, West Caldwell and the Board of Education will move forward with this and Caldwell and West Caldwell children will be able to recreate even when it rains.”
Mayor John Kelley and his administration had declined participation in the project stating in March that “the borough has pressing infrastructure needs with the paving of streets, water main work, borough hall building considerations and community center repairs—not to mention the Wastewater Treatment plant and collection system capital investments needed—the governing body of Caldwell would be hard-pressed to explain to taxpayers the decision to participate in an investment into a turf field at this time. Instead, I believe the Board of Education and West Caldwell should defer this investment to a future budget year.”
Agenda items included appointments of township positions including municipal housing liaison, department of public works personnel, a new dispatcher for the police department and a crossing guard. A resolution was unanimously passed, establishing standard procedures and requirements for public comment to be made during remote public meetings as well as for public comments to be submitted in writing in advance of remote public meetings as all public entities are now required to approve.
Committee reports included Council President Kathy Canale thanking newly retired Superintendent of Public Works Vincent Graziosa for his 37 years of service to the community and offering best wishes during his retirement. Canale reported that Water Foreman, John Pressler will be doing “double duty” as the search begins for a new superintendent of public works. Canale provided an update noting that the Smull Avenue project has been completed ahead of its scheduled completion date and that paving will take place in the spring.
Cecere reported that the West Caldwell Public Library will be reopening for evening hours on Wednesdays and that the library is now operating at close to pre-pandemic numbers. Cecere thanked the Department of Recreation’s Director Gabe DiMasi for his initiative by extending outdoor activities including field hockey and soccer “giving our residents every opportunity in the world to stay active.” The township is exploring the possibility of purchasing an outdoor portable ice-skating rink which would be placed at Memorial Park.
Cecere concluded his comments by congratulating his colleagues Canale and Michael Docteroff on their re-election stating: “It was an overwhelming victory and I have nothing but trust in you and congratulations to both of you.” All council members took the opportunity to congratulate Canale and Doctoroff in their successful re-election bids.
Docteroff stated that consideration of an updated basketball court will be discussed for Francisco Park and thanked the West Essex First Aid Squad for their assistance recently as his mother needed to be transported to Morristown Memorial Hospital.
Police Chief Dennis Capriglione noted the recent passing on October 29 of former police Lieutenant Anthony Colavito at the age of 97. Colavito had joined the West Caldwell Police department in 1948 and retired in 1974. The police chief noted the increasing trend in western Essex County of burglaries and car thefts, and he urged residents to lock their cars. On December 19, the West Caldwell Fire and Police departments will be traveling through the municipality with Santa Claus and will be visiting every street.
Councilman Michael Crudele commented that the tax collections were on track and that beginning in November the initial stages of the 2021 municipal budget will commence. Crudele also thanked all the candidates and residents who took part in the recent election and offered special thanks to Municipal Clerk Mary Donovan and the polls workers.
Donovan also thanked the poll workers and stated, “everyone coming out seemed to understand the process and the provisional ballots ran smoothly.”