Watsessing Park Expansion and Improvements Unveiled – TAPinto.net

BLOOMFIELD, NJ–Today, Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. announced that the expansion of the All-Access Playground has been completed and the renovation of the rubberized walking track has started in Essex County Watsessing Park. The two projects are part of the County Executive’s ongoing initiative to enhance recreation opportunities and improve quality of life for Essex County residents.

Bloomfield Mayor Michael Venezia was in attendance along with Councilman Rich Rockwell, Councilwoman Jenny Mundell and Councilman Ted Gamble.  “As a Board member of The Friends of Watsessing Park Conservancy and as a Councilman here in Bloomfield it’s great to see projects like this come to life. The Conservancy worked closely with the county on the original all access playground and when we heard that there were additional needs from the community we advocated to update the playground. Our County Executive and the Essex County Parks Department listened and put that feedback into action by providing additional equipment members of our community with special needs,” added Gamble.

Also in attendance was Carlos Pomares, Essex County Board of Commissioner Vice President and Bloomfield resident.  “The Board of Essex County Commissioners is pleased to once again partner with our County Executive, the Watsessing Park Conservancy and members of the public to bring these enhancements to the Watsessing Playground. As a nearby resident, I see firsthand the high volume of use this playground receives. Additionally, it makes all of us proud to know that children who may have limited mobility will be able to use this playground made to accommodate special needs,” said Pomares. 

Mayor Venezia expressed his pleasure regarding the improvements. “Today is a wonderful day.  The playground has received a great community response since it was built two years ago.  Since then, some parents have reached out to the County Executive’s office about making some equipment more accessible and the County really came through with this wonderful expansion.”