Want to Run For Millburn Board Of Education? – Millburn, NJ Patch

MILLBURN, NJ — Individuals interested in running for the Millburn Township Board of Education must declare their candidacy by 4 p.m. on Monday, July 27. The general election will be held Nov. 3.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, there will be a lot of new decisions to make and problems to solve. (See: Millburn Supinertendent Tells Board About School In Fall.)
Millburn Superintendent Christine Burton said in her July 2 letter to the school community, “Please start to plan now for your childcare options. A variety of school schedules are under review that may include shortened days, A/B days, and/or a blend of in-person and remote learning that gives the school district the flexibility to flip the switch easily into virtual learning should we need to shut down again.” (Cranford recently released its fall school plan that includes a variety of provisions, including older students attending school in person two to three days per week: Read more.)
The Millburn Board of Education consists of nine members who serve three-year terms.
Candidates will run for three seats. The seats are currently held by Alex Zaltsman, Louie Shen, and Jamie Serruto.
Candidates must file a nominating petition with the Essex County Clerk with at least 10 signatures, one of which must be the candidate’s.
The New Jersey School Boards Association provides a Candidate Kit on their website at www.njsba.org, including the nominating petition, as well as online briefings addressing leadership, legal issues, and the role of a board member. The page also includes information about the New Jersey School Ethics Act and important dates in the school election process.
Superintendent Burton, who also serves on her local board of education in Lebanon, said, “I recommend school board service as one of the most rewarding experiences and meaningful contributions you can make to our students and the community.”
Electronic signatures and petitions
Further information is available from the Essex County Clerk Election Division, Hall of Records, 465 Martin Luther King Blvd., Room 246, Newark, NJ 07102.