Vailsburg Advocate Pushed For Park Facelift: Its For The Kids – Newark, NJ Patch
NEWARK, NJ — Vailsburg Park in Newark is undergoing a $191,000 facelift to its fence and landscape, county officials announced Monday.
On July 10, the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders unanimously approved two resolutions to make perimeter fence improvements to Vailsburg Park in Newark. The first resolution allocated $191,000 from the Open Space Trust Fund to be used for fence improvements and other landscaping measures, while the second resolution awarded the contract to WBE Fence Company Inc.
According to a joint statement from the freeholders:
“Specifics of the work include the installation of 2,500 feet of new decorative steel fence panels, the trimming of trees, and pruning of various areas around the perimeter of the park. This will be great for the safety and security of the park, as well as improve the appearance of the park and surrounding areas.”
Freeholder President Brendan Gill credited Pamela McElveen of the Palm Street Block Association for her ongoing efforts to advocate for the renovations, which are expected to be finished within 90 days.
“My concern is for the kids,” McElveen said. “There are two schools in the area, and the park fence is right along Oraton Parkway. By fixing the fence, our children will feel safer and more secure where they play.”
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