Update from your neighbor: “Two Coyote were spotted on Oak Crest in my back yard. Be…” – Patch.com

VOTE Row I – Line 6, for H William (Bill) Rutherford for West Orange Town Council – Vote by November 3, 2020
Bill Rutherford has received several endorsements including the West Orange Chronicle and from a broad coalition of West Orange residents: the West Orange PBA, Essex Rising, Our Revolution, West Orange Young Democrats, West Orange Democratic Chairman Abdur Yasin, Councilwoman Cindy Matute-Brown and Councilman Krakoviak.
Track your vote here: https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/vote-track-my-ballot.shtmlWEST ORANGE Drop box locations: Essex County South Mountain Recreation Complex (Located by Parking Deck), 560 Northfield Ave. W. Orange, NJ; & Town Hall, 66 Main Street, W. Orange, NJ.
Thank you for voting.
Twitter/IG: @Rutherford4WO
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rutherford4wocouncil
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpNXy2VW1trDSMDk_ihlsA/featured
Website: www.rutherford4wocouncil.com