The Trump military scandal’s NJ implications – POLITICO – Politico

Good Tuesday morning!

We saw a bombshell report Friday on President Trump’s alleged disparagement of dead and wounded veterans.

The Atlantic report is based on anonymous sources, which gives Republicans room for denial. But it’s credible, as Trump has made similar statements in public, and since the sourcing has been at least partly confirmed by numerous major outlets. Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly is central to the report and has been silent about its veracity, which is telling, as a denial from him would easily knock the story down. This is not a “he said, she said.” This is a “circumstantial evidence points to it being true” even if it’s short of proof.

Why am I leading this New Jersey-centric newsletter with this? Because all politics is not necessarily local. Trump’s not going to win New Jersey, but his margin here will almost certainly affect the three highly-competivive congressional races in the state. Especially when in two of those races, the Republican candidates — Jeff Van Drew in the 2nd District and David Richter in the 3rd District — have closely tied themselves to Trump. And those are both districts with a big veteran presence.

And there’s the New Jersey GOP’s dilemma. They’re beholden to a base that loves Trump despite clear evidence that he’s politically toxic in the state. So far, no Republicans in New Jersey have publicly weighed in on this latest Trump flap. But they’re not going to be able to avoid it.

How much will this story affect the top of the ticket? I don’t know. I thought Trump was a goner four years ago when a recording surfaced of him bragging about grabbing women’s privates. But I shouldn’t assume that because 2016 happened, this year will be just like it.

WHERE’S MURPHY? — In Trenton for his 1 p.m. coronavirus press conference. Media: Harry Hurley at 8:05 a.m., CNN at 8:30 a.m.

CORONAVIRUS TRACKER — 344 newly-diagnosed cases for a total of 194,390. Two more deaths for a total of 14,208 (not counting 1,783 probable deaths)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “’Ten minutes into the event, a chair goes flying by my head … ‘There were fights here, there were fights there. And I said to myself, ’I might like this.’” — U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell remembering the first political event he attended as a 16-year-old in Paterson

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Assemblymember Nancy Munoz

FROM ALLBIRDS TO ALLPOWERUL — How Covid-19 made New Jersey’s Phil Murphy the most powerful governor in America, by POLITICO’s Sam Sutton: “Murphy struggled early on to move his progressive agenda through the solidly Democratic Legislature. Rival factions formed to oppose him… Now, six months into a global pandemic that’s shattered the state’s economy and killed roughly 16,000 residents, Murphy has become one of the most popular governors in New Jersey history — and discovered just how much say he has over the state and its government. The question is, how long can it last? … Every 30 days for the last six months, Murphy has re-upped a state-of-emergency order that’s allowed him to bypass the Legislature and normal rule making procedures. Businesses were directed to close. Evictions and foreclosures have been suspended. Should it come to it, the state could confiscate privately held medical supplies. Covid-19 will remain a public health threat for the foreseeable future. And now, six months into the pandemic, few expect Murphy to give up his powers, even if they’d like him to. ‘We shut the government down to get control on this. Clearly, the administration has a good handle on this now and we need to go back to how we were governing prior,’ state Senate President Steve Sweeney, a Democrat and Murphy’s main rival in Trenton, said in an interview. ‘You don’t stay in a state of emergency forever.’”

APPARENTLY DATA HAS DETERMINED THAT CIGARETTE SMOKE IS BAD FOR HEALTH — Murphy to reinstate ban on smoking in casinos, by POLITICO’s Carly Sitrin: Gov. Phil Murphy said Friday that he would be closing a loophole in his executive order that would have allowed smoking to resume inside Atlantic City casinos Murphy on Tuesday signed an executive order that permitted indoor dining to resume this week, but the order notes ‘any retail, recreational, and entertainment business that is authorized to open its indoor premises to the public may allow the consumption of food, beverages, or smoking in those indoor premises, when otherwise permitted by State law.’ Asked by reporters why he would not reinstate the ban on smoking in casinos, Murphy said the carve-out ‘predates us.’ … : Shortly after Murphy signed the order, lawmakers from both parties pushed back, imploring the governor to reinstate the smoking ban.

SOUTH JERSEY HAS HOAGIETUTE SHORTAGE — “A shortage of substitute teachers could delay reopenings for many NJ districts,” by The Record’s Matt Fagan: “or many districts, securing enough substitute teachers is not only tough, but COVID-19 has made it tougher. Take Montville. For want of 19 substitute teachers, Montville decided to open its middle and high schools remotely. ‘That’s what we are waiting for,’ Superintendent of Schools Rene Rovtar said. The substitutes were needed to sit in classrooms where teachers had permission to work remotely … Michael Yaple, spokesperson for the state Department of Education, confirmed that finding substitutes is a problem for many districts. While not universal, it is widespread, with a majority of county superintendents polled indicating a shortage.”

0.00003 MASTROS — “NJ approved for extra $300 a week in unemployment by FEMA,” by The Record’s Stephanei Noda: “An unemployment benefit that will provide an additional $300 a week to those out of work due to COVID-19 has gained approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor approved New Jersey for a FEMA grant under the Lost Wages Assistance program, according to a press release from the agency on Friday.”

TRUMP IS N.J. DEMS’ BEST RECRUITMENT TOOL — “Movers and Shakers: NJ Democrats now drawing strength from the ranks of the undeclared,” by The Record’s Charles Stile: “For decades, the largest bloc of registered New Jersey voters have been the “unaffiliated,” those who have not declared their alliance with either major party. Not anymore. Democrats have now eclipsed the number of unaffiliated voters by 78,000 votes, according to the latest state Division of Elections numbers posted before the July primary. That’s the first time either major party has surpassed the unaffiliateds in recent state history — or at least since 1992, the first year voter registration data is posted on the state Division of Elections website … ‘We knew that this day would come,’’ said Patrick Murray, the Monmouth University pollster, referring to the shift from unaffiliated to Democrats. He said there has been an ‘acceleration’ during the Trump era.”

HOW ELSE IS SHE SUPPOSED TO RENEW HER LICENSE? — “As long lines at motor vehicle offices continue, the boss takes a week off,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission chief administrator B. Sue Fulton has been out of the office since August 31 and will return on September 7, according to an automated reply to an email sent to her by the New Jersey Globe about a different on Thursday night. Her spokesman, Jim Hooker, confirmed Fulton’s absence, but said she hasn’t disconnected completely from her job. “The chief worked intermittently this week while taking some vacation time at her home in Asbury Park,” Hooker said. Motor vehicle offices closed for in-person customer service in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic and have dealt with extensive lines since reopening in July.”

Amid spike in urban violence, 2 New Jersey lawmakers propose ‘gun court’

—“Can N.J.’s struggling restaurants weather the winter with minimal indoor dining?

—Genovese: “Will N.J. ever return to normal?

—Timeline: “Coronavirus in NJ — the first six months

—“Murphy: ‘Unacceptable’ that PATH union has gone almost 10 years without a contract

ATM STATE — The governor, first lady and New Jersey’s second-most-famous living homegrown rock star are planning a major fundraiser for Joe BIden this week. The Biden Action Fund — which distributes donations to the Biden campaign and the rest to the DNC — is hosting a high-dollar “virtual reception and musical performance” Friday with Jon Bon Jovi. The invitation says it’s a virtual performance and Bon Jovi will be there, so I assume he’s the one performing. I don’t think it’s going to be Gov. Murphy, despite his hasty pudding days. Tickets start at $2,800 and go up to $150,000.

GUNS — “Federal court upholds NJ ban on large-capacity gun magazines,” by The Record’s Richard Cowen: “For a second time, a federal appeals court has shot down a New Jersey gun club’s attempt to have the state’s ban on large-capacity magazines declared unconstitutional. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit again upheld a 2018 New Jersey law that banned magazines with 10 rounds or more of ammunition. The appellate panel agreed with the District Court ruling that the ban was a ‘reasonable’ gun regulation enacted in response to mass shootings, and did not violate the citizen’s right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution … The law has been challenged by the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, which is based in Sussex County. The group filed suit the day that Gov. Phil Murphy signed the bill in June 2018, but failed to convince Sheridan and has subsequently lost two rounds of appeals.”

TAKING A BREAK FROM HOLDING THE POST OFFICE TO ACCOUNT FOR MAIL SLOWDOWN THAT CAN’T BE ATTRIBUTED TO ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR — “NJ boat parade backing Trump re-election includes Rep. Chris Smith,” by NJ 101.5’s Erin Vogt: “A Barnegat Bay boat parade Saturday billed as ‘Law Enforcement Officers and Veterans Supporters of Trump’ attracted upwards of 2,000 boats — and among participants was U.S. Rep. Chris Smith. Smith… rode on a boat captained by Ocean County GOP chairman Frank Holman.”

—“Trump v. Murphy doesn’t appear to be on a fast track

WRONGSTOWN — “New Jersey AG: Wrightstown mayor charged for lying to investigators,” by The Burlington County Times’ George Woolston: “The mayor of Wrightstown has been charged with lying to investigators looking into the unauthorized use of the Wrightstown Municipal Utilities Authority to dump waste from a private septic disposal firm, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced. Thomas Harper, 69, was charged Friday with fourth-degree false swearing. He faces up to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 if found guilty. Harper, who is running uncontested for re-election this November, is also the chairman of the Wrightstown Municipal Utilities Authority. The utility’s former operator, Rodman Lucas, of Pemberton Township, pleaded guilty in August to tampering with public records in connection to the same investigation.”

R.I.P. — “Georgia Scott, Passaic County’s first Black freeholder, dies at age 74,” by The Record’s Richard Cowen: “On the surface, it would appear that a lot has changed in Passaic County politics during the past 25 years, as the makeup of the freeholder board has flipped from all-Republican to all-Democrat … All that began to change in the election of 1996, a turnaround year for Democrats in which Bill Clinton was reelected president, Bill Pascrell Jr. won his first term in Congress, and, 130 years after the end of slavery, Passaic County elected its first Black to the freeholder board, Georgia Scott … Scott, a Virginia native who grew up under segregation, drank from fountains labeled ‘colored only’ and went north as a single mother starting a day care center in Paterson, died on Aug. 22 in Miramar, Fla. at the age of 74. She had Alzheimer’s disease and tested positive for COVID-19 shortly before death, said her daughter, Ivy Bowe.”

STATE COULD INSTEAD INVESTIGATE WHY 0.1 SQUARE MILE TOWN HAS A SCHOOL DISTRICT — “East Newark superintendent to request a state investigation into ’outside political influences’,” by NJ Advance Media’s Peter D’Auria: “At a special Board of Education meeting Wednesday night, Superintendent Richard Corbett said he would formally ask the state Department of Education’s investigatory arm to launch a probe into the East Newark school district. ‘I am dismayed to report to the members of this Board of Education that outside political influences are attempting to dictate to this board (to) influence the appointment of personnel, which is in the sole discretion of the board,’ Corbett said. Corbett declined to comment further on the influences he was referring to … Under the recently elected Mayor Dina Grilo, the relationship between the borough government and the school district has been strained.”

PARTY TIME IN DOVER — “He was governor of N.J. for 84 hours, and now he’s in line for a town administrator job,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “John O. Bennett III, a former Co-President of the New Jersey State Senate and the Acting Governor of New Jersey for 84 hours in 2002, is up for a new job as the interim town administrator in Dover. The appointment of Bennett is on the agenda for the council meeting for September 8. If the 72-year-old white Monmouth County Republican is approved, he would be running a Morris County municipality that is 69,6% Hispanic working for Mayor Carolyn Blackman, a Black woman who was elected in 2019.”

TOXIC MONTCLARINITY — “Comedian at center of Montclair principal’s dismissal says he was ‘blindsided’,” by The Record’s Philip DeVencentis: “The stand-up comedian whose video caused an uproar among local teachers and led to a principal losing his job took umbrage with opinions that the clip’s message is objectionable. Josh Pray, of Naples, Florida, said the K-12 district overreacted to the video, meant only to give an amusing take on homeschooling children during the coronavirus pandemic … ‘If some of these very negative people received love in the world that day,’ Pray wrote in a message posted to Instagram on Saturday, ‘they would not have taken a well-intended video and turned it toxic.’”

— “Judge says Montclair must share residents’ cellphone numbers with anti-rent control group,” by The Record’s Julia Martin: “A battle between Montclair officials and a group of landlords seeking to quash a new rent control statute has heated up after a Superior Court judge in Essex County ordered the town to immediately turn over residents’ contact information. On Thursday, Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Beacham ruled in favor of the Montclair Property Owners Association, forcing town officials to share residents’ cellphone numbers and email addresses so the group can solicit signatures for a petition to overthrow the ordinance.”

SCARECROW DISTANCING — “Branchville scarecrow contest approved for fall,” by NJ Herald’s Kyle Morel: “Not even a global pandemic is enough to scare away what has quickly become one of the borough’s most popular and beloved holiday traditions. The fifth annual Branchville Scarecrow Contest will be held as scheduled this fall, after the borough council unanimously approved the event following a brief presentation by organizer Jeanne Heinke last week.”

R.I.P. — “N.J. police officer dies hours after trying to rescue suspect from river during chase

—“Paterson families line up for Chromebooks days before school starts

— “Cash-strapped [Keansburg] district says program cut in Gov. Murphy’s budget is ‘integral’ to students

—“Colleen Mahr to be Somerset County administrator

—“Bergen NAACP protests police bill for Black Lives Matter march in Englewood Cliffs

—“Ridgewood protesters face off with police during a solidarity march on Saturday

—“NJ wage growth ‘slow and uneven’ for essential workers, minorities and women, report says

—“Rally held in Woodbridge after American flags removed from Turnpike bridge

TCNJ: THE T STANDS FOR TRANSMISSION — “Colleges across the U.S. sent students home after outbreaks. N.J. kids just moved in. Are we next?” by NJ Advance Media’s Rebecca Everett: “On Friday, Temple University and SUNY Oneonta became the latest universities to opt to do the entire semester online following outbreaks. One of the first to do so was the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which saw an outbreak a week into classes grow to infect over 1,000 students. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, college students were welcomed back to numerous colleges and universities. Thousands of them moved into dormitories, albeit with some capacity limits and new rules. So what is the risk that New Jersey schools could see outbreaks like those at other universities? ‘There is absolutely the potential for an outbreak,’ said Robert Kelchen, an associate professor of higher education at Seton Hall University who has been tracking schools’ decisions this fall. But Kelchen said he thinks the risk is a bit lower here due to a number of factors.”

THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF MONTCLAIR — “An NJ violinist claims he lost his job over China criticism. Now he’s suing Montclair State,” by The Record’s Svetlana Shkolnikova: “A violinist in a Montclair-based string quartet is suing his partners and Montclair State University for ousting him over comments critical of China, alleging he has been defamed by the Chinese Communist Party. Yi-Wen Jiang, a Morristown resident who emigrated from China in 1985, says the Chinese government orchestrated a propaganda campaign that destroyed his personal and professional reputation after he left a comment on social media criticizing the regime and its censorship of information. Chinese media described Jiang’s post as ‘racist,’ prompting the Shanghai Quartet and Montclair State University, where the group is an ensemble-in-residence, to sever ties with him, according to the lawsuit filed in Morris Superior Court this week.”

—“These N.J. colleges are reporting COVID-19 cases publicly, even though they’re not required to

—“[Rider] university is slashing tuition by $10K next year, hopes to eliminate ‘sticker shock’

—“Birds continue to be burned at Meadowlands landfill flare despite promises to enclose flame