The second wave – POLITICO – Politico

It looks like the second wave is here.

New Jersey’s week-long average of COVID-19 cases is above 1,000 for the first time in months.

And despite his “data determines dates” mantra, Gov. Murphy has shown no signs that he plans to reintroduce restrictions that were eased this summer as cases slowed down. Doing so would cause enormous political blowback at this point. Murphy has said there’s no evidence connecting the spike to indoor dining. Instead, Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli says private indoor gatherings are a significant driver of the increase. Now a big question is whether Murphy follows through on his earlier hint that indoor business restrictions will be eased soon. Read more from Sam Sutton about it here.

At least there are reasons to believe this won’t be like the first wave, which hit New Jersey and its neighbors before the rest of the country. This time, our region is not alone, with cases spiking more in much of the country. The case growth rate is so far much slower. And officials say the infections are hitting the less vulnerable part of the population which, along with advances in treating the virus, might explain why we haven’t seen a really significant increase in deaths yet.

WHERE’S MURPHY? — At Marshall Elementary In South Orange to announce his nominee for education commissioner.

CORONAVIRUS TRACKER — 1,192 newly-diagnosed cases for a total of 221,205. Four more deaths for a total of 14,425 (not counting 1,789 probable deaths)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The fact that he’s backing a Republican with close ties to Donald Trump as the Republican Party runs amok everywhere should be the proverbial nail in Callaway’s political coffin. It’s par for the course. It’s the Callaway way. He’s for you and the next breath he’s against you. He constantly sells his soul for money.” — Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small on Democrtic operative Craig Callaway

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — State Sen. Dawn Addiego, former Hoboken Councilmember Beth Mason, Bergen County’s Gerald Reiner

ELECTIONLAND: POLITICO is partnering with Electionland, a ProPublica project that works with newsrooms to track voting issues around the country. The Electionland project covers problems that prevent eligible voters from casting their ballots during the 2020 elections. We’re part of a coalition of newsrooms around the country that are investigating issues related to voter registration, pandemic-related changes to voting, the shift to vote-by-mail, cybersecurity, voter education, misinformation, and more. Tell us here if you’re having trouble voting.

EDUCATION — Murphy to nominate Angelica Allen-McMillan as New Jersey’s next education commissioner, by POLITICO’s Carly Sitrin: Angelica Allen-McMillan, a longtime educator and currently the interim Morris County schools superintendent, is Gov. Phil Murphy’s pick to be New Jersey’s next state education commissioner, POLITICO has learned. If confirmed by the full state Senate, Allen-McMillan will be tasked with leading the state’s nearly 600 school districts through what may be a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Allen-McMillan’s nomination will be officially announced Tuesday morning, according to a spokesperson for the governor’s office. She will serve as acting commissioner until her confirmation … ‘From day one, I pledged to select a Commissioner of Education with experience in public education. We fulfilled that promise through the nomination of Dr. Repollet, and maintain that promise today,’ Murphy said in a statement.”

‘EXCUSE ME, I BELIEVE YOU HAVE MY STAPLER’ — Some state lawmakers skeptical of plan to tax electronic trades processed in New Jersey, by POLITICO’s Matt Friedman: The sponsor of a bill that would tax electronic stock trades processed in New Jersey said Monday that he’s retooled the proposal, noting that the changes would limit the timeframe to two years and dramatically reduce the amount of the tax. “If they don’t concede this is a significant, extraordinary compromise on our part as to where the bill has traveled to, they’d be disingenuous,” Assemblymember John McKeon (D-Essex) said of the finance industry during a hearing on the bill before the Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee, which he chairs. Representatives from the stock exchanges, as well as others from the finance industry told lawmakers that despite the changes, they would still be forced to relocate their facilities that dot North and Central New Jersey to other states — moves they said could be accomplished quickly and easily. Even two Democratic members of the committee expressed skepticism about the proposal, with one comparing it to a scheme in the cult classic comedy film, “Office Space,” in which employees siphon off fractions of cents from their company’s earnings into a bank account. “It didn’t work out very well. Ultimately, I don’t know if this is symbolic, but the office was burned to the ground,” Assemblymember Roy Freiman (D-Somerset) said.

EX-COVICTS — Murphy signs bill to release thousands of N.J. prisoners early beginning the day after Election Day, by NJ Advance Media’s Blake Nelson: “Gov. Phil Murphy signed a first-in-the nation bill Monday reducing sentences in a prison system with the highest coronavirus death rate in the country — a move that will release at least 2,000 inmates beginning next month. The law (S2519) takes effect in 16 days, meaning the first wave of releases will happen the day after Election Day. About 2,088 people are expected to be freed Nov. 4, according to an estimate from the governor’s office. Around 1,000 more will also be released ahead of schedule in the following weeks through January, sources previously told NJ Advance Media. Early releases will continue on a rolling basis as long as New Jersey’s public health emergency remains in effect.”

I’M DREAMING OF A WHITEWASHED CHRISTMAS TREE ITEM — “Who asked for hundreds of millions in spending add-ons? Lawmakers so far aren’t saying,” by NJ Spotlight’s John Reitmeyer: “Legislative rules for both the Assembly and Senate make it clear that lawmakers must draft budget resolutions to justify each change they want to make to the annual appropriations bill. The legislative rules also say the budget resolutions ‘shall be made available to the public’ through the nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services. And they are generally supposed to be submitted by their sponsors at least two weeks before final votes on the budget legislation are held in either house … But the budget resolutions for the fiscal year 2021 spending plan that Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law by late last month have yet to be posted on the OLS website or disseminated to the public in another way. So it remains unclear which lawmakers sought specific changes to Murphy’s original budget request, or how they justified inserting new spending items into the budget bill that added up to more than $400 million.”

PRESSURE DETERMINES DATES — “Why is Murphy loosening N.J.’s coronavirus restrictions when cases are rising?” by NJ Advance Media’s S.P. Sullivan: “The governor has been pressed by a variety of groups, from business owners and youth sports groups to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, to lift restrictions put in place at the height of New Jersey’s COVID crisis. Murphy’s mantra — ‘data determines dates’ — has also faced a reality check as New Jersey has now seen a monthlong rise in new cases just as his administration looks to loosen the reins on activity like indoor sports and dining. The new rules for indoor sports allow activities considered “medium risk” and “high risk” to resume contact practices and games. That includes hockey, basketball, cheerleading, group dance, rugby, boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo and wrestling, among others.”

6.1 MASTROS — “Gov. Murphy vetoes NJ bill requiring body cameras for patrol officers over funding worries,” by The Record’s Steve Janoski: “Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday conditionally vetoed a bill requiring all uniformed patrol officers to wear body cameras, citing concerns over how police departments would pay for the devices. The bill, S-1163, proposed that local, county and state law enforcement buy the bodycams with forfeiture money — the cash or profits from selling seized property connected to a crime. But the governor said in a statement accompanying the veto that this was too shallow a revenue pool to pull from. The state Department of Law and Public Safety estimated the cost of outfitting New Jersey police with bodycams could eclipse $55 million, he wrote”

NURSING HOMES — “Murphy mum on NJ veterans home shakeup as lawsuits mount, more medical staff are deployed,” by The Record’s Scott Fallon: “Gov. Phil Murphy refused to answer questions Monday about why he replaced top leaders in charge of the state’s veterans homes last week where 192 have died in the COVID-19 pandemic and 400 other residents and staffers have been infected. Murphy removed the state’s top military official, Major General Jemal J. Beale, along with the CEOs of the Paramus and Menlo Park facilities, which have among the largest COVID death tolls among nursing homes in the nation. Murphy wished Beale well and then said he would not have any more comments on ‘personnel matters.’ … The announcement comes as more families and staff members are filing notices to sue the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. About 100 notices have been filed in recent months, up from about three dozen at the beginning of summer.”

STAY ON THE SCENE LIKE AN ELEX MACHINEBill to allow early voting on machines advances, by POLITICO’s Matt Friedman: New Jersey on Monday took a step toward enacting in-person early voting on machines, but not until at least the 2021 election, when the governor and entire state Legislature will be on the ballot. The Assembly State and Local Government Committee voted 4-2 along party lines to approve a newly introduced bill, NJ 4830, that would allow voters to cast ballots on machines in general elections for up to 15 days before Election Day. Each of New Jersey’s 21 counties would be required to set up three to seven early polling places, depending on their population. “It’s not too early to start to think about next year’s election and beyond,” the bill’s sponsor, Assemblymember Andrew Zwicker (D-Middlesex), said at the hearing.

CHIARVALOTTI: THIS IS SANDRA BULLS**T! — “Chiaravalloti: I’m ‘extremely disappointed’ Murphy ‘blindsided’ me with veto of NJQSAC bill,” by Hudson County View’s John Heinis: “Bayonne Assemblyman Nick Chiaravalloti (D-31) says he’s “extremely disappointed” that Gov. Phil Murphy “blindsided” him by vetoing a bill that would have delayed New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) testing in certain districts. ‘I am extremely disappointed that Governor Murphy decided to absolute veto A-4006, a bi-partisan bill that passed the legislature with no opposition. At no time during the legislative process did the administration provide comment regarding the bill,’ Chiaravalloti said in a statement this afternoon.”

—“Feds are sending doctors, nurses to aid N.J. veterans homes where almost 200 have died

—“Pressure mounts for N.J. MVC to let drivers make appointments, ditch long lines

—“McDonnell is now senior deputy chief counsel, Wilson moves up

—“N.J. restaurants, bars get extension on serving alcohol outside during coronavirus pandemic

Bill would protect colleges from tuition refund lawsuits for canceled classes

WHEN YOU HOPE TO REPEAT 1972 BUT THE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT IS MORE LIKE 1974 — “U.S. Senate race: Where Booker and Mehta stand on NJ COVID, criminal justice and health care,” by The Record’s Ashley Balcerzak: “New Jersey hasn’t elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since 1972. That’s not stopping a challenge to Democratic incumbent Cory Booker in the Nov. 3 election from Rik Mehta, a founder of biopharmaceutical firms and political newcomer. Garden State residents may not have this race on their radar: Most in-person campaigning has been canceled, there are few internet ads, no television ads and no political debate between the two. Booker has spent more time sparring with President Donald Trump this election season than Mehta, not mentioning his opponent in public.”

PAUL BLART MAIL COP —Pascrell and Malinowski halted by mail processing center security,” by InsiderNJ’s Fred Snowflack: “Maybe Bill Pascrell should have shown up with his own forklift. Declaring he wants ‘to get the mail moving,’ Pascrell and fellow Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski tried to visit a major mail processing center this morning to see how the mail – and by extension 2020 ballots – were being handled. The mission failed. A security guard in the parking lot of the Dominic V. Daniels mail center said they needed to arrange a visit in advance. Pascrell asked to speak to someone higher up on the bureaucratic chain of command. With no one readily available, there was a stalemate for a few minutes. Pascrell, in fact, was allowed to go in the building to use a restroom and Malinowski entered the lobby and spoke briefly with a man he later said worked in ‘operations.’ But that’s as far as they got.”

Murphy vetoes $30M restaurant relief bill

—“Mail-in voter fraud ‘exceedingly rare,’ says Rutgers expert

—“Chris Smith, Stephanie Schmid trade barbs on COVID-19, abortion rights during APP debate

—“Bergen man arrested for threatening federal judge

—“Second stimulus check update: N.J. Democrat reports progress ahead of Tuesday’s deadline set by Pelosi

—“3rd Congressional District race between Kim, Richter seen as still a toss-up

MAKING UPPER TOWNSHIP LOWER — “Upper Committeeman Young resigns over sexually suggestive postings of VP candidate Harris,” by The Press of Atlantic City’s Michelle Brunetti Post: “Republican Committeeman Hobie Young announced his resignation Monday, under pressure for posting digitally manipulated memes to his Facebook account depicting Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris in sexually suggestive poses. ‘I have made the decision to resign,’ Young said by text message, in response to questions. ‘I will not put the township committee or the residents through this. … I’ve apologized for a poor choice I made and I can’t change that.’ The memes set off a strong reaction of anger and disgust throughout the township and elsewhere, with many people on social media calling for his resignation.”

LAW & ORDER SUV — “Fair Lawn BOE members secretly allowed purchase of SUV for superintendent, complaint says,” by The Record’s Shaylah Brown: “A former Fair Lawn school board member has filed an ethics complaint alleging that two board members secretly allowed the purchase of a $30,000 SUV for the school superintendent before the full board could vote, tying up money that could have been used for busing. But President Ron Barbarulo said it is all a political ploy, “to ruin our reputations so that people would vote against us.”

GUESS HE DIDN’T DRINK THE TAP WATER — ”Fittest Mayors in America 2020: Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop,” from HealthFitnessRevolution: “Has completed two and a half Ironmans, one of which was finished in under 12 hours! Has said that the Ironman was probably the hardest single task he was a part of because it really requires not only physical endurance but mental endurance.”

R.I.P. — “Pequannock police chief Brian Spring dies at 59 after battling cancer

—“In NJ, Lakewood tops state for rate of COVID-19 infections

—“‘Citizens of Jersey City are the winners’: Jersey City, Kushner moves forward with Journal Square project

—“You can watch live when mail-in ballots are counted in these N.J. counties

—“Body-cam videos detail fatal police shooting on Ventnor-Atlantic City border

—“Councilman seeking to ‘close loopholes’ in Jersey City’s proposed inclusionary zoning legislation

APPARENTLY SWEEPING SEXUAL ABUSE UNDER THE RUG FOR DECADES HAS CONSEQUENCES — “Twin hit of abuse claims and pandemic could push NJ Catholic dioceses toward bankruptcy,” by The Record’s Deena Yellin: “For Catholic churches around the country, it has become a familiar refrain: After shelling out millions of dollars in settlements to survivors of clergy abuse, a diocese says it’s broke and declares bankruptcy. The Diocese of Camden, representing a half-million Catholics in 62 South Jersey parishes, became the latest to file for bankruptcy protection on Oct. 1 — 10 months after a new state law waived the statute of limitations on decades-old abuse claims. It’s unlikely to be the last. If history is any guide, bankruptcy experts say, when one diocese in a state files for Chapter 11, others often follow. In North Jersey, the dioceses of Newark and Paterson, representing some 1.7 million worshippers, are caught in the same vise of legal attacks and COVID-19 financial strains, said Charles Zech, a professor emeritus at the Villanova School of Business in Pennsylvania. ‘Given the uncertainty associated with the statute-of-limitations window in New Jersey, I suspect that every diocese in the state is in danger,’ he said.”

R.I.P. — “Rapper Fetty Wap mourns his brother, 26, killed in Paterson shooting

—“Feds oppose millionaire NJ child sex offender’s early prison release