Sussex County COVID-19 May 27 –

SUSSEX COUNTY, NJ – Sussex County Division of Health announced 9 additional coronavirus patients, one additional death and 895 recovered patients as of Wednesday, May 27.  This brings the total in the county to 1103 patients and 146 deaths related to COVID-19. 

A 79-year-old Sparta woman lost her life to coronavirus, according to the division of health.

The Sussex County Division of Health released an updated list of food pantry locations and hours as well as an interactive map with county resources. The division of health also release an updated list of the operations of area health and humans services providers

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The Center For Disease Control released guidelines for people who have had COVID-19 whether or not they had symptoms.  For people who presented with symptoms the CDC recommends staying away from others until patients have had

  • 3 days with no fever,
  • Symptoms improve including cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, runny nose or congestion, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
  • 10 days since symptoms first appeared.

Governor Murphy had set a goal of 20,000 COVID-19 tests a day by the end of May, as part of his recovery plan.  That number has been exceeded on four of the last five days.  His next target is 25,000 tests a day by the end of June.

Murphy also hinted at an imminent announcement about easing restrictions on indoor worship services, summer camps for children and day care centers.

COVID-19 patients by town as of May 27 with COVID-19 related deaths:

  • Andover Borough 2
  • Andover Township 202 with 84 deaths
  • Branchville Borough 4 with one death
  • Byram Township 50 with two deaths
  • Frankford Township 77 with 20 deaths
  • Franklin Borough 42 with two deaths
  • Fredon Township 18
  • Green Township 13 with one death
  • Hamburg Borough 27
  • Hampton Township 30 with two deaths
  • Hardyston Township 50 with one death
  • Hopatcong Borough 114 with five deaths
  • Lafayette Township 10,
  • Montague Township 24 with two deaths
  • Newton Town 96 with 11 deaths
  • Ogdensburg Borough 15
  • Sandyston Township 6 with one death
  • Sparta Township 105 with eight deaths
  • Stanhope Borough 20 with one death
  • Stillwater Township 11
  • Sussex Borough 8
  • Vernon Township 126 with six deaths
  • Wantage Township 51 with one death

According to the New Jersey Department of Health COVID-19 dashboard there are 11,339 reported coronavirus deaths and 156,628 confirmed positive coronavirus cases with 660,325 reported tests.  They caution the numbers may be artificially low because of the long weekend and their experience with weekend data reporting.

Hudson County has the highest number of positive tests in the state with 18,132 coronavirus patients and 1,158 deaths.  Bergen County is reporting 18,023 positive tests and 1,547 deaths. 

Essex County is reporting the highest COVID-19 death toll with 1,624 victims and 17,338 patients.

According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus resource center, The United States currently has 1,692,786 confirmed cases and 99,783 coronavirus deaths.  New York City has reported 29,370 COVID-19 related deaths and 64,443 recovered patients.

Sussex County Administrator Gregory Poff announced the drive through testing sight at Sussex County Community College opened on May 11.  According to reports there have been six positive cases in approximately 200 people tested.  Residents must have a prescription and be showing symptoms to be able to get an appointment.  The test is a Nasopharyngeal swab test, according to the county.  This site does not offer antibody testing, even if the resident has a prescription.

New Jersey Department of Human Services has launched a hotline for residents who need help coping with stress and anxiety during the health crisis.  The hotline is open from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. seven days a week- 866-202-4357.

St. Joseph’s Health in Paterson is also providing a free helpline for hearing impaired Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 973-870-0677.

The state COVID-19 hotline can be reached by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-800-962-1253 or text NJCOVID to 898-211.

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