Sussex County COVID-19 May 25 –

SUSSEX COUNTY, NJ – Sussex County Department of Health did not release any coronavirus data on Monday, May 25. The Sussex County information was unchanged on the New Jersey Department of Health COVID-19 dashboard.
Governor Murphy has announced via Twitter there are 965 new coronavirus cases moving the total to 155,092 The New Jersey COVID-19 dashboard has also not been updated since Sunday.
State officials have also announced an additional 16 deaths due to COVID-19, the lowest in months. This brings the total number of COVID-19 deaths to 11,144 though officials warn there could be a lag in reported data because of the weekend.
The state Senate’s task force on the economy will meet on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Murphy said he expects to make further announcements on the stay-at-home orders, with anticipated revisions on child care services, outside gatherings and high school graduations.
Hudson County has the highest number of positive tests in the state with 18,051 coronavirus patients and 1,139 deaths. Bergen County is reporting 17,901 positive tests and 1,525 deaths.
Essex County is reporting the highest COVID-19 death toll with 1,595 victims and 17,202 patients.
According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus resource center, The United States currently has 1,662,250 confirmed cases and 98,218 coronavirus deaths. New York City has reported 29,229 COVID-19 related deaths.
COVID-19 patients by town as of May 23 with COVID-19 related deaths:
- Andover Borough 2
- Andover Township 200 with 84 deaths
- Branchville Borough 4 with one death
- Byram Township 47 with two deaths
- Frankford Township 75 with 20 deaths
- Franklin Borough 42 with two deaths
- Fredon Township 17
- Green Township 12 with one death
- Hamburg Borough 26
- Hampton Township 30 with two deaths
- Hardyston Township 50 with one death
- Hopatcong Borough 111 with five deaths
- Lafayette Township 9,
- Montague Township 22 with two deaths
- Newton Town 97 with 11 deaths
- Ogdensburg Borough 15
- Sandyston Township 6 with one death
- Sparta Township 104 with seven deaths
- Stanhope Borough 21 with one death
- Stillwater Township 11
- Sussex Borough 8
- Vernon Township 122 with six deaths
- Wantage Township 51 with one death
Sussex County Administrator Gregory Poff announced the drive through testing sight at Sussex County Community College opened on May 11. People must have a prescription and be showing symptoms to be able to get an appointment. The test is a Nasopharyngeal swab test, according to the county. This site does not offer antibody testing, even if the resident has a prescription.
New Jersey Department of Human Services has launched a hotline for residents who need help coping with stress and anxiety during the health crisis. The hotline is open from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. seven days a week- 866-202-4357.
St. Joseph’s Health in Paterson is also providing a free helpline for hearing impaired Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 973-870-0677.
The state COVID-19 hotline can be reached by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-800-962-1253 or text NJCOVID to 898-211.
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