Summer Reading Kickoff Is Among June’s Activities At The Fairfield Public Library –

FAIRFIELD, NJ – Summer is right around the corner and Fairfield Free Public Library is gearing up for another spectacular summer of fun as school comes to a close. 

Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. To register, call (973) 227-3575 or visit our online events calendar at

June 2019 – Children’s and Teens Programs

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Book Babies (Babies & Toddlers)
Every Tuesday at 10:15am
Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories!

Gymboree Play & Music
One Monday a month. June 17th at 10:15am
Through play, movement, sign language, and other engaging activities, Gymboree Play & Music will help your little ones learn and grow. 

Music Together Class (Babies & Toddlers)
PJ Class – Select Mondays at 7pm: June 3, July 1, August 5
Select Fridays at 10:15am: June 14, July 19, August 2
We’re so excited to partner with Music Together of West Essex to get our littlest patrons moving & shaking!

Pre-K Storytime (3-5yrs)
Every Monday at 2pm & every Thursday at 4pm
Join us for songs, stories, and activities to encourage learning and literacy in preschoolers! No registration is required.

Evening Storytime (Pre-K+)
Every Tuesday at 6:30pm
Join us for songs, stories, and activities to encourage learning and literacy in preschoolers!

Yoga for Kids
Wednesday, June 26th at 6pm
All ages are invited to stretch and relax at this monthly yoga program led by Miss Aleks.

Lego Club (K+)
Two Fridays a month. June 7th & 21st at 4pm
Ages 5 & up. Free build with LEGO bricks & have creations displayed in the Children’s Room.


Kindergarten Meet & Greet
Thursday, June 6th at 6pm
If your child will start Kindergarten at Fairfield’s Stevenson School in September 2019, this program is for you! It is an opportunity to meet new classmates and families. 

Donuts with Dad
Saturday, June 8th at 11am
Celebrate Father’s Day with your special guy – dad, grandpa, uncle – with some yummy snacks and fun activities.

Maker Monday
Monday, June 10th at 4pm
Grades K-6. Come create a unique craft project at the library!

Music & Movement with Miss Jolie

Tuesday, June 11th at 10:15am

For Toddlers. Join Jolie Della Valle for an interactive program! Kids will sing and dance along to familiar and original songs.

Teens: Practice SAT Test

Saturday, June 15th at 11am

C2Education presents a practice SAT test at the Fairfield Library. Please include your name, grade, and email address when you register.

City Winds Trio

Wednesday, June 26th at 1:30pm
Grades K to 4. City Winds Trio introduces children to classical composers through live performance and engaging activities. 

Summer Reading Kickoff with PolkaDot!

Saturday, June 29th from 11-4pm

Fairfield family cardholders entering Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to sign up for the Summer Reading Program! PolkaDot will perform live at 11am.

Adult Programs

*NEW* Beginner Italian Course
7-Week Course. Select Wednesdays. June 5, 12, 19 & 26; July 10, 14 & 24 at 7pm
In this seven week course patrons will learn the basics of Italian. Coursebooks will be provided.

Once Monthly Fridays. June 28 at 11am
Join us once a month for a one hour Bingo program! Socialize and win prizes!

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Every Thursday at 10:30am
Bring your smartphone or tablet to the library for individual training using your device. We will show you the basics of the device and answer any questions you have. We can also show you how to use many of our digital resources (e.g. Overdrive, Hoopla, RBDigital).

Crochet & Knit Group
Select Mondays. June 3 & 10 at 6:30pm
Stop by the library for a quiet evening of crochet or knitting. A resource will be available.

Daytime Book Club
Once Monthly Mondays. June 10 at 12pm
This month’s title is Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

Evening Book Club
Once Monthly Mondays. June 17 at 7pm
This month’s title is A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline

Fairfield Historical Society
Once Monthly Thursdays. June 6 at 6:30pm
The Fairfield Historical Society was established in 2018 as a group of individuals interested in preserving Fairfield’s past. All community members are welcome to join

Film Fridays
Select Fridays. June 7 & 21 at 1pm
This month’s movies are The Wife (R) & Green Book (PG-13)

Gardening Group
Once Monthly Wednesdays. June 5 at 7pm
This is an informal group for patrons to get together and talk about gardening and the many different methods or forms that can be used.

Every Wednesday at 11am
Are you interested in playing Mah Jongg? You’re in luck! A resource will be available if patrons have any questions about the game!

*NEW* Senior Game Night
Once Monthly Tuesdays. June 11 at 7pm
Join us for a night of fun and games! Cards, Monopoly, Dominoes, Rummikub, Scrabble, Chess, and more!

Senior Strength Training
Thursdays, June 13 & 27 at 10:15 or 11am; Saturday, June 22 at 10:15 or 11am
Leena Kalle will be instructing this class. Class includes a warm up, circuits, and a cool down.

Tai Chi
Twice Monthly Tuesdays. June 4 & 18 at 1:30pm
Tai Chi is now at the Fairfield Library. Join Mariam Shankman of Mir-Yam Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation with the combination of movement, meditation, and principals will be practiced at this one hour long workshop.

Trivia Night
Once Monthly Tuesdays. June 4 at 7pm
Come test your trivia knowledge and win prizes! Refreshments will be served. 

Writing Group
Twice Monthly Mondays. June 3 & 10 at 7pm
This is an informal group for writers to get together and discuss their work. Open to writers of all experience levels, genres, and varieties.

Once Monthly Thursdays. June 20 at 7pm
Come enjoy a relaxing hour of Yoga with certified instructor, Aleksandra Mufceska.


Musical Journey of the 1940’s – 1970’s
Monday, June 10 at 2pm
Gerard and Diane Barros return to the Library to take us on a musical journey through the decades. Refreshments will be served. 

Hearing Voices Film Screening
Thursday, June 13 at 7pm
With: Bongiorno Productions
Courtesy of the Essex County Local Arts Program Grant

Grover Cleveland Birthplace Lecture
Monday, June 17 at 7pm
Enjoy a lecture on Grover Cleveland and his birthplace here in New Jersey with Grover Cleveland Birthplace Caretaker, Sharon Farrell.

Long Term Care Seminar
Tuesday, June 18 at 7pm
This lecture pertains to long term care and its financial impact. With One Legacy Financial.

Yankee Batboy: From Little Italy to Yankee Stadium Book Talk & Signing
Monday, June 24 at 7pm
Author Anthony Florio discusses his book, detailing his experiences as the New York Yankee’s Batboy. 

DIY Craft: Wind Chimes
Tuesday, June 25 at 1 or 7pm
We will be making wind chimes from sea shells.

James Caldwell Rifle Range Lecture
Thursday, June 27 at 7pm
Historian Beverly Crifasi will speak about the history of the James Caldwell Rifle Range.

Click HERE to learn more about a special July event featuring Turtle Dance Music, an entertaining and educational concert centered around this year’s summer reading theme.