Statements on House Build Back Better vote – New Jersey Globe | New Jersey Politics

“This bill will provide much-needed resources and services to help American families. For the first time in American history, families will get universal pre-kindergarten to help children learn and develop as well as financial support for child care. As a diabetic, I am proud to see that insulin payments will be capped at $35 dollars per month and the bill reduces out-of-pocket costs for other life-saving medications. In addition, it provides funding to fight climate change and extreme weather events that could help our area avoid future damages from storms like Hurricane Sandy and Tropical Storm Ida. I applaud President Biden for his leadership to better the lives of millions of Americans through his Build Back Better agenda. This is a great bill for New Jersey and I am proud to help pass it.”
“Today, I voted for the Build Back Better Act, a blue-collar blueprint for rebuilding the American middle class.
“This historic legislation puts workers and their families first. It was workers who kept us running through the pandemic – from staffing emergency rooms to stocking grocery store shelves – and it is working people who will pull us forward. But despite America’s dependence on hard-working families – they have gotten a raw deal for far too long.
“The Build Back Better Act is a game-changer and a job-generator. It will provide access to affordable, quality child care so parents don’t have to choose between their family and their livelihoods, and it will make jobs in the care economy more sustainable. It reins in runaway health care costs so workers can keep more of their pay. It closes critical gaps in Medicare coverage so seniors on fixed incomes don’t go bankrupt. It lowers excessive prescription drug costs so people aren’t price-gouged for needed medicines. And it tackles climate change by creating good-paying jobs and making America a leader in the green economy. Together, these measures add up to the largest investments the middle class has seen in generations, and we do this while ensuring anyone making under $400,000 a year will not pay a penny more in taxes.
“Congressional Republicans have coddled the wealthy for too long. They spent $1.9 trillion on tax giveaways for the rich. Now, they balk at investing in the true drivers of our economic success – America’s workers. Today, House Democrats said: Enough is enough. It’s time to rebuild the middle class by making wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share.”
“Last November, the American people put Democrats in charge to raise this nation from its knees. We were elected to act with urgency for the present and the future. Today we are doing that and moving America forward into the 21st Century. Build Back Better will improve the lives of working men and women. This legislation will confront the powerful interests and rebuild this country inside and out. It will put us on the path to a planet-saving green economy. Our historic bill gives real, meaningful relief to middle-class Americans harmed by the GOP Scam SALT cap. In short: The Build Back Better Act is a blueprint for a modern America.
“Our nation should note the final vote as the split demonstrates the difference between our political parties. Only one party is making raising children affordable. Only one party is creating a green future that aids unions and supports domestic manufacturing. Only one party will close the tax gap and provide tax fairness for working Americans. That party is the Democrats. The other party does not give a damn about regular Americans and they showed it with this vote.”
“The core issues of my work for the 11th Congressional District since my first day in office have been simple — addressing the SALT deduction cap, lowering prescription drug prices, and making New Jersey more affordable for families in our communities. On all of those points, I’m proud to say this legislation delivers. Earlier this week we signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law, which funds another one of those core priorities, the Gateway Tunnel. The legislation we passed today is another piece of the puzzle. Together, these packages will help grow our economy by putting money back in the pockets of families in our district and getting people back to work by addressing the childcare crisis. It will grow our clean energy economy, make our communities healthier, safer, and more affordable, and ensure that our nation maintains our competitive edge around the globe for decades to come. From Bloomfield and Woodland Park to Lake Hopatcong and Sparta, New Jerseyans across the district will finally get our hands on the benefits that our communities need and deserve.”
“We need to urgently get Americans back to work to ensure a strong economy. Today’s vote is a culmination of years of work to pass meaningful, job creating, economy boosting, transformational legislation that will help every American. By passing the Build Back Better Act, we’re one step closer to getting Americans back to work, lowering the cost of prescription drugs including capping drug costs for Americans on Medicare at $2,000 per year, and investing in working families and future generations. I hope this important piece of legislation passes the Senate and moves swiftly to the President’s desk for his signature.”
“Today, the House passed legislation that will help finally restore the State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) and cut taxes for hard-working New Jersey families. Thanks to this bill, we scored a big round against the Moocher States and we will cut taxes for families across New Jersey’s Fifth District.
Months ago, I said “No SALT, No Dice.” Today, New Jersey’s middle class families won big!
A team of New Jersey accountants have been analyzing this legislation for months now, and their analysis is clear: Taxes will go down for Jersey families. When you count the IRS enforcement, in the way many recent Democratic and Republican Treasury Secretaries and IRS commissioners have, this bill will reduce the deficit.
In 2017, when the Red States and Moocher States gutted our SALT deduction by passing their Tax Hike Bill, we pledged to fight back, and now, the House has passed a bill to help us win this fight.
If you’re against this bill, you’re against lowering taxes for New Jersey families. If you’re for this bill, you’re for making life more affordable for families in our District.
If you’re for this bill, you’re also for helping address child hunger with expanded school breakfast and lunch. If you’re for this bill, you’re for combating climate change and for getting lead out of our children’s drinking water. If you’re for this bill, you’re for making child care more affordable for our families and for lowering prescription drug prices for our seniors.
This bill will not raise capital gains taxes, the corporate tax rate, or individual taxes for middle class New Jersey families.
I’m honored to have played a critical part in delivering SALT relief for hard-working families, and in ensuring we pass a commonsense, targeted reconciliation package that’s good for New Jersey, our local communities, and our families.”
“Today, we voted to finally fix the harmful State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap and cut taxes for middle class families. Since it was implemented in the 2017 Republican Tax Hike Bill, the cap has unfairly double taxed families across the country and worked to defund our states’ critical priorities. The bill we just passed in the House would effectively eliminate the impact of the SALT cap for virtually every family we represent, putting money back in the pockets of hardworking, middle class families in New Jersey and New York. Simultaneously, it will ensure our communities are able to make the critical investments we need, like funding the best public schools in the nation and supporting our law enforcement and first responders. This is a huge win for our constituents, and we could not be more honored to have fought for and delivered it for them.”
“Having learned nothing from this month’s repudiation of one-party rule and reckless spending, Democrats like Tom Malinowski, Andy Kim, Mikie Sherill, and Josh Gottheimer voted to pass one of the most irresponsible pieces of legislation our country has ever seen. Under their watch, Democrats will have increased the combined federal and state tax rate on New Jersey businesses to the highest on Planet Earth, while worsening the skyrocketing inflation that is already hurting New Jersey families at the grocery store and gas pump. New Jersey voters will hold them accountable for supporting Nancy Pelosi at the expense of New Jersey taxpayers.”
“The U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act represents a landmark moment in building a fairer and more sustainable economy for working families across our state and nation.
The legislation would invest nearly $2 trillion in creating good-paying jobs, fighting climate change, expanding access to clean energy, cutting child poverty, expanding health care access and reducing the cost of prescription drugs for our seniors.
These vital investments would not have been possible without the sustained work of dedicated advocates who ceaselessly highlighted the importance of a transformative piece of legislation to put the people — rather than politically connected corporations — first.
We would like to thank every Democratic member of New Jersey’s congressional delegation for voting to pass this critical legislation. Though we had hard-fought differences, in the end we rallied behind President Biden’s vision of a stronger nation by investing in families, workers and people of color.
Though this bill isn’t perfect, it represents a major step forward in the fight for justice, and we call on the Senate to quickly pass the Build Back Better Act and send it to the president for his signature.”
“The House of Representatives just passed the Build Back Better Act, the most transformational piece of legislation in generations. Simply put, this is a result of progressive activists pressuring centrist Members of Congress, like NJ-5 Representative Josh Gottheimer, to deliver for working families. Over the last several months, we have been pushing back on his attempts to water down this legislation to make it favor only the wealthy and corporations, and today we have succeeded. Through an inside/outside strategy, our movement has been able to improve the bill, even as centrists and corporate interests tried to water it down. This is the power of the progressive movement — when we remain united, when we organize, we deliver real change. For the good of the American people, we urge the Senate to pass the Build Back Better Act in swift fashion without delay.”
“Today, the House passed once-in-a-generation legislation that invests in the American people, responds to the great challenges of our time, and builds a better future for generations to come.
“I’m pleased this historic bill invests in my home state of New Jersey. The Build Back Better Act provides robust investments for coastal states like New Jersey to tackle the climate crisis and accelerate our transition to a clean economy. I’m proud the bill includes my proposal for a permanent ban on offshore drilling along the Atlantic Coast, because there’s no logical reason to put our coastal communities along the Jersey Shore at risk with unnecessary and dangerous drilling. The bill’s $6 billion investment in coastal resiliency – modeled after my Living Shorelines Act – will help effectively mitigate future flooding while benefiting local economies.
“The bill also renews our commitment to never forget the sacrifices first responders made on September 11, 2001 by ensuring that the World Trade Center health program is fully funded and can continue to provide medical treatment and monitoring.
“At a time when American families are struggling to make ends meet, the Build Back Better Act builds on our efforts to make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans, including millions unfairly caught in the Medicaid coverage gap.
“It also makes prescription drugs more affordable by finally giving Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies. Seniors will also pay no more than $2,000 a year in out-of-pocket costs for their drugs, and the legislation penalizes Big Pharma companies that unfairly raise prices.
“We expand health care access for children, mothers, and seniors by permanently reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program, improving maternal health care, and providing, for the first time, comprehensive hearing benefits under Medicare Part B. The legislation also makes a historic commitment to home- and community-based care so seniors and people with disabilities can get the care they need in their homes.
“The Build Back Better Act also aggressively tackles the worsening climate crisis. It makes historic investments to move us toward a clean energy economy while also producing millions of good paying American jobs.
“The new Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund will accelerate innovation in low- and zero-emission technologies, while also prioritizing the needs of environmental justice communities. Rebates for homeowners to electrify and make their houses more efficient will save them money and reduce emissions. Investments in a 21st century electric grid will get more renewable energy online.
“The legislation will also drive down pollution from the oil and gas industry through a new Methane Emissions Reduction Program. Substantial investments in electric vehicle charging stations and clean heavy-duty vehicles like school buses, will serve the dual purpose of slashing our carbon emissions while helping American manufacturing stay globally competitive. We simply cannot wait any longer to combat the climate crisis – bold action is needed now.
“The Build Back Better Act will provide significant financial relief to American families well into the future while also creating millions of good paying American jobs as we transition to a clean energy economy. I’m thrilled we are one step closer to seeing this legislation signed into law.”
“When I ran for office in 2018, I promised to restore the SALT deduction for my middle-class constituents. The Build Back Better Act, which we passed today, includes a deal I helped negotiate with the White House and Congressional Leadership that would fully restore the SALT deduction for over 96% of taxpayers for the next nine years.
Crucially, the House SALT provision pays for itself – so it does not increase the federal deficit, require us to raise other taxes, or take resources away from the investments in infrastructure, education, and clean energy we are also making today. It will also give homeowners and people thinking of buying a home the assurance they need that they will be able to deduct their property taxes for almost a decade. I am proud we’re delivering on our promise with this very simple approach that benefits virtually everyone in my district without costing a penny.
The details of how SALT is addressed in Build Back Better may evolve as the bill heads to the Senate, but I’m optimistic we’ll end up with a solution that preserves these principles – full deductibility for the overwhelming majority of New Jerseyans, stability over time, and fiscal responsibility. I will continue to work with key members of the Senate, including Senators Menendez and Sanders, to ensure that happens.
We could not have achieved this win without the leadership of the entire New Jersey Congressional Delegation, including Representatives Pascrell, Gottheimer, and Sherrill. Together, we insisted ‘No SALT, no deal,’ and the House heeded our call. As a result, we are closer than ever to reversing the injustice of the 2017 GOP tax bill, which deliberately targeted middle-class homeowners to pay for its corporate tax cuts, and punished states like New Jersey where we have chosen to pay for good schools and services. Together, we are bringing tax fairness back to New Jersey.”
“Two weeks ago here, in one of the bluest states in America, Democrats faced a political earthquake of their own making after pushing far left policies that were too costly and out-of-touch for New Jersey families and seniors. Congresswoman Sherrill saw this red tidal wave first-hand in her own district. Today, we are seeing this story play out again. While every New Jersey resident supports removing the SALT tax deduction cap, voters should not be held hostage with higher taxes and massive far-left spending amid the worst inflation crisis in generations. Mikie Sherrill and the progressive left are not providing us with a solution to make America stronger, but a plan for bigger government and new debt, according to the non-partisan CBO. That’s unacceptable and taxpayers deserve better. I am running for Congress on my proven record of cutting taxes and spending, and using my business experience to make government work for all of us. It can be done when leaders focus on affordability, not an irrational left-wing agenda like Ms. Sherrill.”
“Today is a historic moment for our country, with Congress taking another step towards passing President Joe Biden’s bold, transformative agenda and with New Jersey Democrats leading the way in making it happen. I am thankful to each member of our Democratic Congressional delegation for their hard work and dedication in passing this bill, which will hopefully be adopted by the U.S. Senate and signed into law by the President.
The message of the recent election is loud and clear: many people throughout our state and our country are struggling and need a helping hand during these turbulent times. The Build Back Better act is exactly what we need at this critical moment to reassure the American people that the Democratic Party stands with working and middle class families. Our party is the party of progress and action, and this bill will have a dramatically positive impact on our economy, on our families and on our communities. From capping the cost of childcare to 7% of a family’s income, to providing national universal Pre-K, to allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and limiting the cost of Insulin to $35 per month, to increasing the SALT deduction to lower taxes for middle class New Jerseyans and so much more, this landmark legislation will deliver real results for working families.
As we head into the 2022 midterm elections, every Democrat should be bringing President Biden’s message to the people and making sure they see clearly that our party is fighting for them. As Chairman of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, I feel more optimistic now about our country and our state’s future than I ever have, and I look forward to making that case in the upcoming campaign.”
“Two weeks ago here, in one of the bluest states in America, Democrats faced a political earthquake of their own making after pushing far left policies that were too costly and out-of-touch for New Jersey families and seniors. Congresswoman Sherrill saw this red tidal wave first-hand in her own district. Today, we are seeing this story play out again. While every New Jersey resident supports removing the SALT tax deduction cap, voters should not be held hostage with higher taxes and massive far-left spending amid the worst inflation crisis in generations. Mikie Sherrill and the progressive left are not providing us with a solution to make America stronger, but a plan for bigger government and new debt, according to the non-partisan CBO. That’s unacceptable and taxpayers deserve better. I am running for Congress on my proven record of cutting taxes and spending, and using my business experience to make government work for all of us. It can be done when leaders focus on affordability, not an irrational left-wing agenda like Ms. Sherrill.”
“With the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, we are one step closer to delivering President Biden’s agenda and paving the way for transformational change for generations to come. This legislation will help hardworking middle-class families by lowering their taxes and tackling the soaring costs of prescription drugs. It is a once in a generation investment in our children, expanding the Child Tax Credit and making affordable childcare accessible for millions of families in New Jersey and across the country. It will help combat the growing housing crisis and tackle the existential threat of climate change. And it provides long-overdue legal protections for millions of undocumented immigrants that kept the country afloat during the pandemic. Now, the Senate will continue to fight for the broadest immigration relief possible. We cannot fully build back better without protecting the dignity of millions of people who are critical to our long-term economic recovery. This is their home, and it is time for the Senate to help them fulfill their American dream.
“While we still have improvements to make to this bill and need to complete procedural steps in the Senate, I am confident the language of the House-passed Build Back Better Act puts us on the right path to achieve our shared goals. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to pass this bill and deliver for the people of New Jersey, immigrant communities across the country, and every American who just wants a shot at a better life.”
“I am pleased to see the House of Representatives pass the Build Back Better Act today,” said Senator Ruiz (D-Essex). “This bill includes many items that have been among my key legislative priorities since I assumed office and we are now closer than ever to seeing these policies enacted on a national scale. This passage moves us one step closer to aiding millions of families nationwide as we recuperate from the economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“Let’s be clear about one thing: Josh Gottheimer cannot hide behind the SALT deduction in justifying his support for one of the most economically devastating bills to ever hit the State of New Jersey. The self-proclaimed ‘problem solver’ has once again solved nothing, and he has fallen far short of the goal of total reinstatement. More importantly, the modest gains New Jerseyans might see will be completely wiped out by the crushing taxes coming to New Jersey job creators in the form of raising individual and corporate tax rates, as well as the continued upward inflationary pressure it will place on prices at the grocery store and the gas pump. Does Josh Gottheimer really think that a combined federal and state tax rate of over 50% for corporations and nearly 60% for individuals lives up to his slogan of ‘Lower Taxes, Jersey Values?’ Because I have a different name for it: confiscation. Not only did Josh Gottheimer vote to raise our taxes, but he also once again voted with AOC, this time for taxpayer-funded payments to people who have come to our country illegally and IRS snooping in the bank accounts of the vast majority of New Jerseyans. Josh Gottheimer can pay lip service to opposing socialism all he wants; the reality is that tonight he has voted once again to decimate entrepreneurship, private enterprise, and the dreams of small business owners, while dangerously increasing the size of the federal government and forcing Americans’ reliance on it.”
“Today’s vote in the House of Representatives is a tremendously positive step forward for President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which will provide historic investments in working and middle class American families. The transformative plan will make child care, education, health care, and housing more affordable, while investing in workforce development and clean energy to address climate change and support a green economy. The Build Back Better plan will cut taxes for working families by asking the wealthiest Americans and large corporations to pay their fair share. The Democratic members of our New Jersey delegation that voted in favor of this bill understand how these critical investments will boost our state’s economy and improve the lives of all New Jerseyans, and I thank them for their unwavering support.”