Rapid Montclair NJ downtown development has downsides – NorthJersey.com


A recap of the 10 biggest residential and retail developments underway on Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair. Julia Martin, North Jersey Record

It’s no secret that Montclair is booming. 

Drivers along bustling Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair’s Main Street, can witness every stage of the building process — the nearly complete MC Hotel towering over the intersection with Valley Road; the huge Seymour Street project fronting the Wellmont Theater clotted with cement mixers, bulldozers and steel-loaded flatbeds, and the eerily quiet Lackawanna Station, where the Planning Board just approved a residential and retail development on 7.6 acres. 

Millennials and boomers are drawn by the town’s six train stations, its walkable downtown, vibrant arts scene and “urban-burb” amenities. Within the next few years, 1,303 new apartments, plus 159 hotel rooms, will have been added along a 1.7-mile stretch of Bloomfield Avenue.

See a list of the new Montclair apartment, retail and office developments here.

“Montclair is a poster child for the way we want our development today,” said James Hughes, dean emeritus of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. “It’s unique in that it has all the attributes currently in favor: diverse community, good schools, rail access, solid housing stock and a walkable downtown.”

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But the pace and scale of development in Montclair is leading some to wonder if it’s too much of a good thing.

A total of ten significant developments abutting Bloomfield Avenue were recently completed, are in the works or arelikely to be approved in Montclair or just over the border. 

Then there are the offices and shops: A total of 152,000 square feet of retail and 104,266 square feet of office space.

As more buildings rise, the trade-offs of development are becoming apparent: Increased traffic, risks to pedestrians and less diversity. Less measurable are the loss of older, smaller-scale buildings with charm and history, and, perhaps, a more relaxed quality of life. 

There is always a concern, says Hughes: At what point do you hit the tipping point of over-development? 

Development balance

Many residents at recent hearings for the Lackawanna Station development said the town has hit that point. The outcry focused on proposed alterations to the historic train canopies, a lack of parking, and a perceived disregard for the needs of pedestrians and the more racially and economically diverse 4th Ward.

Development: Lackawanna Station project approved, Lidl supermarket in 

Changing landscape: Two historic Montclair mansions demolished

No Knock-Downs: After mansions are razed, Montclair issues moratorium on demolitions

Some residents and officials said the rush to build is resulting in new construction that is not of the quality that befits Montclair’s historic downtown. The Siena condominiums, built ten years ago, the Valley & Bloom apartments and the MC Hotel have been criticized as too tall, boxy and lacking charm. The finished Siena, for example, differs significantly from renderings that showed Art Deco motifs and deep setbacks. In 2011, a group of new owners sued developer Brian Stolar, alleging the building was plagued by leaking stairwells and mold. Stolar’s Pinnacle Properties is behind the Siena, Valley & Bloom, the MC Hotel, Seymour Street and Lackawanna Station developments.

A recent report commissioned by Montclair’s Historic Preservation Commission concludes that the Siena, Valley & Bloom and MC Hotel have fallen short of the “pedestrian-friendly urban node compatible with the historic town center” and calls the buildings, at six stories, “over-scaled” and incompatible with the neighborhood.  

Janice Talley, director of planning for Montclair, defended the work of the all-volunteer Planning Board, which, she said, added a second monthly meeting in 2011 and had 15 meetings just to vet the Lackawanna proposal. “What’s happening here is out of the ordinary,” she said, citing the “multiple mixed-use developments” in Montclair and neighboring towns. The board, she says, is “truly dedicated and puts in the time to do the job right.”

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Housing market bubble? 

There are also economic risks to committing to so much development so fast: “At some point the housing demand will be satisfied, particularly at the upper end of the market,” said Hughes. “A big question nationally, and in New Jersey, is whether the multifamily housing boom is close to being a bubble.”

Seymour Street, for example, will not be completed until 2022, and ground has not yet broken on Lackawanna Station. At a recent Planning Board meeting, James Cotter, speaking for two 4th Ward neighborhood associations, said that because Stolar is involved in so many projects, it could mean even further delays. In that time, market conditions can change. 

‘Walkability’ in question

Downtown development near transit hubs — the “transit village” model — is championed by urban planners and environmentalists for reducing sprawl and reliance on cars. Towns like it, because it brings customers into restaurants and shops, and tends to add fewer school-age children.  

“Too much density can obviously create problems of traffic congestion and quality of life issues,” says Martin Schwartz, the mayor’s designee on the Planning Board. “But not enough development downtown can produce empty storefronts.” 

And density can be a boon to developers, who generally get more profits per square foot for multi-families than for suburban single-family homes, says Hughes.

Those profits are further boosted in ‘walkable’ towns, where builders can make the case for fewer parking spots, which are less profitable per square foot than housing. In his Lackawanna proposal, Stolar was granted a variance for 400 parking spots; the shortfall, he says, will be made up with valet parking for the supermarket, and shared among the residences, shops and office space.

Developers can also cite walkability to get projects approved that might otherwise be denied in traffic-dense areas. In the traffic studies for Seymour Street and the MC Hotel, for example, engineers deducted 20 percent from their projected traffic totals, assuming some people would walk. That’s standard practice, said Paul Going, senior project manager at Atlantic Traffic & Design Engineers and co-author of the report.


Two days after the 1865 Mansion at 14 Undercliff was knocked down, its neighbor suffers the same fate. Julia Martin, North Jersey Record

While developers may use walkability to their advantage in their proposals, they aren’t necessarily including inviting pedestrian pathways in their plans.

At the most recent Lackawanna hearing, resident Priscilla Eschelman called the plan for Lackawanna a “pedestrian hellscape,” with the only point of access through a huge parking lot on Bloomfield Avenue.

“Two pedestrians were killed in Montclair in 2018,” Eschelman told board members. “That should rest very, very heavily on you.” 

Cindy Steiner, president of the New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition, said, “Montclair is ideal for biking due to its wide, flat, streets in a grid pattern. This town continues to add new developments without upgrading our transportation network to align with the infrastructure needs of these projects.” 

More traffic 

The ten residential buildings recently completed, underway or proposed along Bloomfield Avenue will bring more than 1,300 new homes. If every apartment adds 1.5 cars, the number planners often use for walkable downtowns, more than 2,000 additional cars will use Bloomfield Avenue daily. And that doesn’t count the traffic for the hotel, office buildings or many new shops. 

Bloomfield Avenue is already one of the busiest roads in densely populated Essex County. For one thing, it’s a “connector road,” linking numerous towns, said Lt. Stephanie Egnezzo, traffic commander of the Montclair Police Department. “And it goes through our business district, bringing more volume and congestion, which leads to more crashes. Downtown is so great, but it attracts so many more pedestrians to that area.”

Another risk of juggling large developments in various stages is that traffic studies may not consider the overall impact. In the Seymour Street study, engineers make no mention of the 7.6-acre Lackawanna Station project a block away, even though both are owned by Stolar of Pinnacle.

The traffic report reads: “It was determined that a number of [future] projects … are relatively small … and others were either built or unlikely to move forward in the near future.” Traffic engineer Going said it’s standard practice not to include nearby projects if they haven’t been approved.

“Whatever happens in the future doesn’t count,” he said.

Diversity takes a hit

The very diversity that lends Montclair such cachet is fast disappearing. The trend began when the 4th Ward’s Bay Street Station added30-minute express train service to Manhattan in 2002. Multifamily buildings quickly sprung up around the station.

The same happened after Montclair was designated a ‘transit village’ by the state Department of Transportation in 2010. Houses in the south end, once owned by Italian immigrants and African-Americans, are being replaced with new buildings marketed as ‘luxury’ residences with high-end amenities, and rents there are on par with those anywhere in town, according to Leslie Kunkin, founding member of West of Hudson Realty group in Montclair. 

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RESIDENT OUTCRY: Montclair public speaks against Lackawanna development

A recent report shows that diversity in Montclair’s schools is declining. At a Board of Education meeting in January, Felice Harrison-Crawford, director of Operations and School Support Services, reported that the percentage of African-Americans in the school system has dropped to 24 percent from 32 percent in 2010.

The artists and writers who have long called the town home may also find it more difficult to afford. 

Regulations provide little relief. Montclair has a local law requiring that developers provide 20 percent affordable housing for every new development, but it doesn’t need to be provided at the same site, and they can break down that percentage into sub-types such as senior housing. 

In addition, Montclair does not have any rent control laws and Mayor Robert Jackson says he doesn’t think they’re necessary. Asked about rising rents and the affect on diversity, he said: “It’s a balance, a dilemma. I like to be on that side, versus saying property values are going to crap. We will definitely work through it.”

Ultimately, the burden of creating development that balances the desires of developers, economic demands and the character and quality of life of a town falls to its leaders, says Hughes. “The planning process should take into account all of these factors, and determine which are prioritized, what are your values,” he said. 


A mansion at 14 Undercliff in Montclair, built in the Civil War era, was torn down over the weekend. North Jersey Record

Email: jmartin@gannettnj.com

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