OMNIA lawsuit ends with last-minute settlement

One of my most vivid memories from high school is walking into the bathroom and seeing the tobacco innards of a cheap cigar sitting in the toilet.

See, many people remove the tobacco from such cigars, discard it and fill them instead with marijuana, which they then smoke for its psychological effects. For those of you not hip to weed slang in the past 30 years or so, this is called a “blunt.” The name is derived from the Phillies Blunt, which is typically sold individually and costs a little less than a dollar. But any number of cheap cigars can suit the purpose, like Dutch Masters, Garcia y Vegas, etc.

New Jersey native Redman explained how to roll a blunt in his 1992 song “How to Roll a Blunt”: “Purchase a Phillie/not the city of Philly, silly punk, I’m talking ‘bout the s–t called the Phillie blunt/lick the blunt and then the Phillie blunt middle you split/don’t have a razor blade, use your f—in’ fingertips.”

But just as New Jersey is on the cusp of legalizing marijuana, Assemblyman Herb Conaway (D-Burlington) introduced a bill (A4670) that will make blunts much more expensive — even if the bill’s intent is not to target marijuana smokers. The legislation would, among other things, require all individual cigars to cost at least $8 — save for “little cigars,” which I don’t believe blunts and the like qualify as.

I couldn’t get in touch with Conaway yesterday, but his chief of staff, Wali Abdul-Salaam, told me the aim of the bill is to get around a tobacco tax loophole — not to target blunt smokers. But nicer cigars that are smoked intact tend to already at least approach the $8 range, so whether intentional or not, if this became law it looks to me like it would disproportionately affect fans of the classic blunt.

WHERE’S MURPHY? On his way back to New Jersey (I think, because he’s finishing his overseas trip), and making an announcement via video at Rutgers, 5 pm.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Monmouth pollster Patrick Murray

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Mistrial or not, the charges have dampened support where Menendez needs it most — with independents and even a handful of his own base.” — Rutgers-Eagleton’s Ashley Koning

POLL OF THE DAY — Rutgers-Eagleton: Menendez 51, Hugin 45 More here

THE CHRONICLES OF OMNIA — Horizon, Valley Hospital reach settlement, ending legal battle over OMNIA plans, by POLITICO’s Sam Sutton: A politically charged lawsuit that originally would have pitted seven independent New Jersey hospitals against the state’s largest health insurance company has ended. Less than two hours before oral arguments were to begin in a Hackensack courtroom, The Valley Hospital, the last remaining plaintiff in the case, agreed to withdraw its claim that Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey’s OMNIA health plans violated the spirit of its contract with the hospital. Horizon said in a statement it was “pleased to have reached an agreement with Valley Health System. We look forward to continuing our longstanding relationship with Valley and working together on innovative, value based programs that deliver quality, affordability, and customer experience to our members and their patients.” Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Read the report

ALVAREZ SCANDAL — Assembly members named to committee investigating Alvarez hiring, by POLITICO’s Linh Tat: Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin Tuesday named the remaining members of the lower house who will serve on a joint legislative committee investigating the Murphy administration’s hiring of Albert J. Alvarez despite knowing he’d been accused of sexual assault. Coughlin (D-Middlesex) also announced that Joseph A. Hayden Jr., a former deputy attorney general in the organized crime and special prosecution section of the state’s Division of Criminal Justice, will represent the Assembly as co-counsel to the committee. Hayden, now a partner at Pashman Stein Walder Hayden, will be paid $350 per hour, the same rate as the Senate’s counsel, Michael Critchley. Read the report

—”Let’s be real: scandal investigation will freeze Trenton,” by Carl Golden for NJ Spotlight: “Despite repeated assurances from the Democratic legislative leadership that business as usual will prevail while the investigation into the hiring practices of the Murphy administration goes forward, the odds of timely approval of significant items on the governor’s agenda are long, indeed. The “we can walk and chew gum at the same time” rationale advanced by the leadership was an effort to calm jittery nerves over the extent of the select committee investigation and to send a message that the committee’s probe was nothing out of the ordinary and should be considered merely a normal reaction to allegations of improper behavior by a prominent administration official. One can admire the attempt at spin to minimize the potential political impact, but scandals invariably dominate the political and media environment, overshadowing all else and, in their most serious and sensationalized form, bring normal government operations to a halt.” Read the column

CORY’S LAW — Republican State Chairman Doug Steinhardt accused Democrats of duplicity for rushing a bill through committee to affirm that Sen. Cory Booker can run for president and Senate at the same time in 2020. Back in 2015, Democratic state Sens. Loretta Weinberg and Ray Lesniak introduced a bill that would have forced Gov. Christie to resign as he ran for president. “Once again, Trenton’s Democrats show the depths of their duplicity. Rather than legislate to protect the public’s interest, they legislate to protect themselves. And we let them. If Senator Booker cared about his home state more than his own political ambitions, he would pick a job and try to do it well,” Steinhardt said in a statement. Of course, that Christie bill never moved. Christie ran for president and stayed on as governor (he was already running when the bill was introduced), even as he spent most of his time out-of-state. And none of the bill’s sponsors in the Senate or Assembly were on the two committees that approved Cory’s Law on Monday.

—“Midterms 2018: Amid security fears, NJ elections ‘on track,’ top official says” Read the report

—Lassiter: “NJ health commissioner Shereef Elnahal on NJ’s medical marijuana program” Read the interview

—“NJ too expensive: Homelessness rises by 9 percent” Read the report

WHAT ABOUT BOB? — “After corruption trial, NJ Sen. Bob Menendez’s relationship with voters is complicated,” by The Record’s Herb Jackson: “That Menendez is favored by handicappers for a third term after surviving corruption charges less than a year ago is partly due to the state’s deep-blue leanings and a political climate in which anti-Trump sentiment has fired up voters who usually stay home in midterm elections. It also demonstrates his ability to deliver for key constituencies, including environmentalists and labor unions, and to maintain support in a New Jersey Democratic Party often riven by north-south and county-to-county rivalries. ‘A lot of other people would have given up this fight a long time ago. That’s not in his nature,’ said Micah Rasmussen, director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics as Rider University. ‘For good or bad, he’s pugnacious. If you’re a constituent he’s fighting for, that’s a good thing. When he’s in the political dogfight of his life, and maybe it’s in the interest of the party that he step aside and let somebody else be the candidate, that can cut the other way,’ Rasmussen said.” Read the report

—Stile: “Bob Menendez leads as Democrats hold their noses ‘to save my democracy’” Read the report

—“What early voting says about Jersey’s hot congressional race Read the report

DEMOCRATS WHO SUPPORT HUGIN HAVE A HABIT OF STOPPING BEING DEMOCRATS — “With former Democrat Bobadilla at his side in the Ironbound, Hugin lashes out at Menendez,” by InsiderNJ’s Max Pizarro: “When he was an Essex Freeholder, Rolando Bobadilla fervently championed driver’s licenses for undocumented workers, and now, on the other side of getting tossed off the Democratic Party line last year, he formally backed a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate this morning who has a decidedly less than let’s-get-it-done-immediately position on Bobadilla’s legislative passion. ‘I believe public safety is the most important thing in government; so many states, like Utah, are able do it do it in a way that ensures that we’re not advancing beyond the goal, which is that we want safe drivers,’ Hugin told InsiderNJ, when asked about the seemingly oddball relationship in the brick and stucco backroom of Sabor Latino here in the Ironbound. “That’s the issue,” he added … Then the former freeholder, jettisoned by his party when he attempted to run for reelection last year, went to the microphone, backed Hugin for Senate over U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, and urged others, Republican, Democrat and independent, to do the same. He acknowledged that he and Hugin don’t agree on everything. But, ‘last week I officially changed my affiliation from Democrat to unaffiliated,’ Bobadilla said. ‘Politics has denegraded to a point where it’s not about people. It’s party versus party. We’re losng track of what matters. We’re in a circus, and the only act in the ring is a donkey and an elephant. I’m no longer seeing value in the system. I for one value my vote.’” Read the report

CLIMATE CHANGE MAY EXIST, BUT THE ‘NEW YORK PORT AUTHORITY’ DOES NOT — “New York Port Authority may sign on to climate deal Trump dashed,” by Bloomberg’s Danielle Moran and Eric Roston: “Following more than a dozen states which have said they will take their own steps to curb the release of greenhouse gases despite the federal government’s stance, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s board on Thursday will consider cutting emissions 35 percent below 2006 pollution levels over the next eight years. By 2050, emissions should fall 80 percent below that level. New York and New Jersey are both among states that support the international targets.” Read the report

MURPHY WITNESSES FIRST-HAND HOW JARED KUSHNER HAS SOLVED MIDDLE-EAST’S PROBLEMS — “Murphy meets with 7 Palestinian business leaders in 1st step to increase economic ties,” by ROI-NJ’s Anjalee Khemlani: Gov. Phil Murphy met with seven Palestinian business leaders Tuesday afternoon in East Jerusalem, with hopes of creating a new relationship between the region and New Jersey. Murphy’s actions Tuesday are a departure from the tradition of previous governors, who have not visited the Palestinian region — but he is not the first governor in the U.S. to do so. Officials from the Palestinian American Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem said governors from Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin are among those that have visited in the last three years. Murphy heard from businessmen in the technology, life sciences and retail sectors, who explained the restrictions they face in expanding or operating business in the West Bank and Gaza areas, as well as the cumbersome process in sending employees from one location to another. One businessman said he has not visited his operations in Gaza in 18 years and was finally able to get the required permit this year. ROI-NJ was asked by officials from the U.S. consulate to not identify the companies or the business leaders who attended, due to the sensitive nature of relations between Israel and Palestine over the recent announcement of the U.S. embassy moving to Jerusalem. Read the report

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT — “Outsiders: Six other candidates campaign for Senate seat,” by NJ Spotlight’s Colleen O’Dea: “Six independent candidates, three of whom have run for election in the past, are also on the November ballot. All are very long shots and only two have raised any money — less than $50,000 combined. But this is going to be a close race, with polls over the last month putting Menendez up by as much as 10 points — CBS News earlier this month — and as little as five — Rutgers Eagleton Poll released today. Any significant support for the independents will siphon votes from the major candidates and could make a difference in who wins. None of the independent candidates interviewed say that’s their mission. All are in it to win it.” Read the report

—“Cory Booker becomes Trump foil again in campaign speech” Read the report

—“NJ Senate race: In the age of Trump, Bob Hugin tries to win as a moderate Republican” Read the report

—“MacArthur would welcome Trump campaign visit” Read the report

—“Campbell’s Soup executive takes heat for migrant conspiracy theory” Read the report

—“Minnesota AG candidate 7 points down campaigns in NJ” Read the report

PROSECUTORS PROVE SHOWING UP ISN’T EVERYTHING — “Charges against 2 remaining Jersey City cops dropped at no-show jobs trial,” by The Jersey Journal’s Terrence T. McDonald: “Lt. Kelly Chesler and retired Capt. Joe Ascolese were overjoyed when Hudson County Superior Court Judge Mirtha Ospina dismissed the charges against them at the request of the state. If convicted, they could have faced 10 to 40 years in prison … During the trial, the defense worked to show that there was no standard procedure put in place for signing vouchers to pay the officers who worked the off-duty assignment during morning and evening rush hours. They pointed out numerous anomalies in the paperwork for the off-duty assignment related to a number of officers and said the system was chaotic effort to man the posts each day. Ascolese and Chesler were charged with signing vouchers for no-show assignments. Ospina agreed to dismiss the charges but noted that the state had not even placed its ‘star witness’ on the stand. She was referring to is Officer Michael Maietti. After being charged, Maietti took a plea deal and agreed to testify for the state.” Read the report

—“Ex-cop gets 23 months in prison for off-duty jobs scheme” Read the report

—“Whistleblower cop says he was punished for reporting wrongdoing in town rife with corruption” Read the report

WAS IT WORTH THE CHRISTIE ENDORSEMENT? — “A new PATH station is finally here. Was it worth the 5-year-wait?” by NJ Advance Media’s Larry Higgs: “This treat is no trick for commuters. That shiny new PATH station under construction for the past five years in Harrison is scheduled to open next week. The long-awaited glass and metal station that’s been under construction next to the old PATH station will open to riders on Oct. 30, following a mid-morning ceremony, PATH officials said … What do PATH passengers get for the $256 million price tag to build the new station? New glass-enclosed, weather-protected station entrances; modern elevators, widened stairs and escalators to platforms; and, possibly the most important feature, extended platforms to accommodate longer, 10-car trains.” Read the report

HACKED! HACKED I TELL YOU! — “Hamilton racism brouhaha erupts over Facebook comments by school board hopefuls,” by The Trentonian’s Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman: “Sherry Morency and Richard Crockett both shared inflammatory content on Facebook well before they decided to run for Hamilton school board on a slate with Cynthia Simon. On Nov. 17, 2014, Morency shared a link to a conservative website depicting a photo of then-President Barack Obama and the Rev. Al Sharpton with a headline that reads: ‘REVEALED: Obama and Sharpton met secretly with #Ferguson protestors and had this message…” “F—ing N–ger meeting,’ Rich Crockett appears to say in a 3-year-old Facebook comment to Morency’s link. ‘If we do it it’s a KKK meeting. Let them protest then kill them all.’ ‘Crockett is denying that he made the posts that said the N-word,’ David Henderson, manager of the Morency, Crockett and Simon campaign, said Tuesday in an interview. Henderson, a Hamilton Republican who opposes GOP Mayor Kelly Yaede and her administration, accused Yaede loyalists of creating ‘doctored’ and ‘manufactured Facebook posts’ in an attempt to ‘discredit me and my candidates.’” Read the report

IT’S SITTING IN AN ESTATE IN SOUTH CAROLINA — “Is the BL England answer blowing in the wind?” by The Press of Atlantic City’s Bill Barlow: “With the coal-fired units of the BL England power plant expected to shut down this spring and no end in sight to a legal fight over bringing natural gas to the plant, Mayor Richard Palombo told residents at the Monday, Oct. 22, Township Committee meeting there is reason to be hopeful. But he provided few details. As township officials and committee members gave their reports at the beginning of the regular meeting, Palombo said the township has met with plant representatives and with a wind-power company, with more meetings on the way. ‘I’ll just say that there are some optimistic things and some opportunities that are out there,’Palombo said at the meeting.” Read the report

PIANO TUNERS LOCAL 412 TO JOINT PROTEST “’No one’s home is safe’ if agency can seize man’s house for a fantasy project, group says,” by NJ Advance Media’s Chris Franklin: “A man who is looking to protect his house from being claimed by eminent domain is about to fight his case in an appeals court hearing in Jersey City Wednesday. Charlie Birnbaum, a piano tuner for many of the casinos in Atlantic City … It’s in the shadows of the once-shuttered Revel Casino, which reopened as the Ocean Resort Casino this year. The property is now mostly surrounded by empty blocks where homes once stood but have since been cleared in hopes of enticing a developer to the city’s southern end. Birnbaum is in a showdown with the state’s Casino Redevelopment Development Authority (CRDA), fighting to keep his home from being seized through eminent domain. Arguments are scheduled to be made in front of the three judges of the state’s Appellate Division in Jersey City.” Read the report

CAMDEN RISING? — “Camden Waterfront developer selling its office projects,” by The Courier-Post’s Jim Walsh: “A Pennsylvania development firm has announced plans to exit a $1 billion project on the city’s Waterfront. Liberty Property Trust will sell its office projects to make a “strategic shift” to the industrial market, the company said Tuesday in announcing third-quarter earnings … The company announced the write-down in July, citing faltering market demand at the Camden site and the likely demise in 2019 of tax breaks that have lured firms to the impoverished city … Liberty Property, which launched its project in 2016, is currently erecting a headquarters building for American Water Co. Three suburban firms – Conner Strong & Buckelew, NFI and The Michaels Organization – are to occupy a second office building.” Read the report

—“Parents complain about Manalapan school officer, once accused of racially motivated attack” Read the report

—“Despite 2020 end date on Hudson contract with ICE, many questions remain” Read the report

—“Judge puts new [North Arlington] mayoral candidate on ballot” Read the report

—“Day after: Dover fire fueled by gas destroys 5 buildings, displaces residents, businesses” Read the report

—“What we know about devastating Dover fire” Read the report

—“Lakewood coalition’s next step: Hiring professional mediators for help” Read the report

—“Plan to reverse Jersey City’s ban on women going topless is dead” Read the report

—“Former municipal fire inspector going to prison for plotting $15K shakedown” Read the report

—“Is Rockaway Township violating residents public meeting rights? Yes, says advocate” Read the report

—“Toms River school board member apologizes to election rival” Read the report

—”Former NJ cop gets probation for stealing $80K from union” Read the report

R.I.P. — “Six deaths in Wanaque virus outbreak among children at long-term care facility,” by The Record’s Lindy Washburn: “Six children at a long-term care facility for medically fragile children in Wanaque have died as a result of a severe outbreak of adenovirus, and 12 others have become ill, the state Health Department said Tuesday. The Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation “has been instructed not to admit any new patients until the outbreak ends and they are in full compliance,” the department said in a statement. Adenoviruses are common viruses that affect the lining of the airways, intestines, eyes or urinary tract and are responsible for some colds, coughs, sore throats, pinkeye and diarrhea. Usually, the illnesses are mild, but for people with weakened immune systems they can be life-threatening. Health Department investigators returned to the facility Tuesday after a visit Sunday found ‘minor handwashing deficiencies.’ The state was notified of respiratory illnesses at the center in the Haskell section of the borough on Oct. 8. “This is an ongoing outbreak investigation,” the department said. Children at the center are severely disabled. Some live in comas. For most, the center is their permanent home; some will live there from birth through age 21, when they may move to another unit. Many will never walk or talk.” Read the report

—“What you need to know about adenovirus, which is behind the deaths of 6 NJ children” Read the report

THESE ARE ADULTS — “Youth football game escalates into parents brawling,” by The AP: “Lawrence Township police said Monday that they are seeking video footage of the Friday brawl at Central Park on Eggerts Crossing Road. reports police were called to the field Friday afternoon on reports of people fighting. Responding officers say a hard hit resulted in a dispute between players. Detective Lt. Joseph Amodio says a coach apparently tried to break up the fight, but ended up drawing in the opposing team’s coaches — and eventually parents. Amoido says no arrests were made at the scene, but police are attempting to sort it out and investigate.” Read the report

— “Opponents of choir college sale deem Grewal ‘necessary party’ in dispute” Read the report

— How to fix South Jersey’s ‘toxic’ foreclosure problem Read the report

R.I.P. — “Dorcas Reilly, whose iconic green bean casserole dish graces millions of Thanksgiving tables each year, dies at 92” Read the report