Ocean County Thanks Teachers – Insider NJ – InsiderNJ
SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED, but Ocean County’s teachers remain on the job educating children during the continued COVID-19 crisis.
“May 4 to May 8 is National Teacher Appreciation Week and I ask everyone to remember the outstanding work our teachers are doing during this state of emergency,” Vicari said.
Vicari said teachers have continued distance learning and are working hard to educate children in all grades.
Governor Phil Murphy announced Monday that all public and private schools will remain closed thru the end of the school year in June.
A lifelong educator who served as a teacher, administrator, principal and superintendent, Vicari said teachers have gone the extra mile with their students.
“Many younger students have missed their favorite teacher and I have had many reports of teachers making personal phone calls to children,” he said.
In some districts, teachers have even taken to their cars and formed small caravans, driving through neighborhoods and waving to students and their families from a safe distance.
“Teachers want their students to know that they haven’t forgotten them. That despite buildings being closed, the children are still a vital part of the school community,” he said.
Vicari said the challenges of distance learning has sometimes been difficult on both educators and students.
“There was very little time to prepare for online classes, but our teachers worked hard to ensure that each and every student is learning and growing,” he said. “Our children will be prepared for whatever lies ahead.”
Vicari also thanked parents who have helped their children, often while juggling a work-at-home schedule themselves.
“None of this has been easy but working together as one Ocean County family we will get thru this crisis and emerge stronger at the end,” he said.
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