No Trick or Treating in Glen Ridge This Year –

GLEN RIDGE, NJ – The Borough of Glen Ridge will not permit door-to-door trick-or-treating in 2020. The decision was reached with input from the Glen Ridge Board of Health, the Mayor and Council. 

In a typical year, Glen Ridge residents welcome trick or treaters from all over the region on Halloween night. 

According to the borough, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has determined that it is a high-risk activity to participate in traditional Halloween trick-or-treating where treats are handed to, and received by, children who go door to door.

The borough’s official statement concluded, “We recognize this will be a disappointment for many children, and we are developing alternative events to help celebrate the holiday. Residnets are asked to ollow our Facebook page, Borough webpage or subscribe to our email alert system for our virtual Halloween contests.