No Charges Filed or Arrest Reported for Man Accused of Newark Teen Sex Assault – RLS Media


A man accused by the mother of a child for explicit contact has not been charged or arrested by police as of Sunday evening. 

In a social media post that went viral on Facebook and Instagram, the mother of a 13-year-old child accused the man of unlawful contact. 

Because police have not officially charged the man, RLS Media refrained from posting his image for this story. 

According to the mother’s viral post on social media, “Ms. Tete McRay,” the unidentified man reportedly has a ‘history” of sexually assaulting children but, after researching the woman’s claims, there is no evidence or confirmation of this anywhere. 

RLS Media could not confirm if the mother contacted the police, but there is no arrest warrant as of 8 p.m. Sunday, and charges have not been filed by any Essex County agency.

Police have not announced a search for the man. 

“Ms. Tete McRay“ did not reveal in her social media post if her daughter received medical attention at this time. 

“McRay” said the following: 

“…he then led my daughter to a car, while the adult of the house was asleep, put the child locks on the doors and drove her around the corner and raped my 13-year-old daughter, left her there and fled the scene”. 

Newark Police have not confirmed “Ms. McRay’s”  statement, nor have they announced an active and ongoing investigation as of 8:30 p.m. Sunday.