NJ issuing income tax refunds on schedule; how to check on yours – New Jersey 101.5 FM

TRENTON – The state Treasury Department began issuing income tax refunds this month on its typical schedule.

The IRS has been cautioning taxpayers that this season’s processing of federal tax returns could take longer than usual, as the agency is understaffed and still has a backlog of returns from last year. The changes associated with the advanced child tax credit payments could also lead to errors this year.

But the state Division of Taxation and the Division of Revenue began processing tax returns in January, said state Treasury Department spokeswoman Danielle Currie.

“Federal refund delays do not have a direct impact on state refund processing,” Currie said. “Treasury began issuing refunds twice a week during the first week of March as normal.”

Filers can check their refund status at state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/checkrefundstatus.shtml, or by calling 1-800-323-4400 from within New Jersey and its neighboring states. They’ll need their Social Security number and the amount of the requested refund listed on their tax return.

Currie said filers can begin checking their refund status after four weeks if they file electronically or 12 weeks if they mail their return. Refund statuses may not be available for 15 weeks or more under certain circumstances, such as paper returns sent by certified mail or those requiring additional processing.

Michael Symons is the Statehouse bureau chief for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at michael.symons@townsquaremedia.com

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