NJ cold case: Elizabeth child missing since 1999 still being sought – My Central Jersey


There are more than 88,000 active missing persons reports across the county. Here’s what you should do if you know someone who has gone missing. Contributing: Hattiesburg American Asbury Park Press

ELIZABETH – A reward is being offered and the public’s help is being sought in solving the 1999 disappearance of a 2-year-old boy from an area close to his home in the city.

This week marks the 21st anniversary of the disappearance of Kevin Sabir Barthrop, who went missing on Saturday, June 12, 1999 after he was last seen close to his home on the 100 block of Chilton Street in the city, acting Union County Prosecutor Lyndsay V. Ruotolo said in a statement.

Members of the public are being asked to come forward with any information about Barthrop’s disappearance. Investigators believe individuals with information on Barthrop’s fate live in Essex County, Union County, and North Carolina.

In addition, Union County Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to an arrest in connection with the case.

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“The UCPO Missing Persons Initiative was launched earlier this year in an effort to reunite Union County’s missing persons with their loved ones. Through this initiative we call upon the community we serve to assist us in that reunification process. For people who love Kevin Barthrop and for the investigators who have never given up hope as they worked this case over decades, any leads generated from this initiative will assist us as we continue to search for answers,” Ruotolo said in the statement.

As part of the investigation, a New Jersey State Police sketch artist produced an age progressed image of Kevin Barthrop as a 22-year-old. This image was widely shared last June to mark the 20th anniversary of Barthrop’s disappearance.

Barthrop would now be 23 years old.

Anyone with information about the disappearance of Kevin Sabir Barthrop is asked to contact Union County Prosecutor’s Office Sgt. Michael Manochio at 908-966-2287 or Sgt. Janet Lopez at 908-347-8491.

Tips to Union County Crime Stoppers can be given anonymously by phone at 908-654-TIPS (8477) or online at www.uctip.org.

Email: srussell@gannettnj.com 

Suzanne Russell is a breaking news reporter for MyCentralJersey.com covering crime, courts and other mayhem. To get unlimited access, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

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