New York Daily News readers’ letters, May 2, 2020 – New York Daily News
Flushing: The homeless situation in New York City has gotten out of control. Homeless people with mental issues and dangerous hygiene are roaming the streets and trains, committing all kinds of crimes. Solution? Put them on an island! Build a 1,000 room facility on an island and put them there. Provide them with the same essentials that a shelter would: food, bed, entertainment and even work for those that qualify. But it has to be an island. The only way in or out would be via a boat or swimming. This is how you control the homeless population. I am sure there are homeless people who are trying to get their lives together, but the ones that choose to sleep on the streets and trains, and shoplift from retail stores for no reason, they need to be confined. On an island! Tasso Tsakos