New Jersey To Teach ‘Gender Identity ‘ Lessons To 1st & 2nd Grade –
In the fall, 2022, The New Jersey Education curriculum will include teaching 1st and 2nd grade students about gender identity. To put this in proper perspective, these are six and seven-year-old children.
A sample New Jersey lesson plan says, “You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are girl parts.”
The New Jersey Education lesson plans call for the graphic use of language (describing) certain body parts that we will not detail here; yet, they plan to use these words to teach your six and seven-year-olds.
This is not about older Americans making personal decisions by about their own gender identity. How can responsible adults believe that this is age appropriate for a six or seven-year-old?
Yet, this is all set to legally take place under New Jersey state sex education guidelines that will take effect in September, 2022.
The standards list “performance expectations” for
second graders, which include discussing “the range
of ways people express their gender and how gender
role stereotypes may limit behavior.” has reported that “a school district in the state distributed sample lesson plans indicating first graders could be taught they can have “boy parts” but “feel like” a girl.”

Fox News reporting on this subject continued:
One lesson plan titled “Purple, Pink and Blue,” instructs
teachers to talk to their first graders about gender
identity, and its first objective is to have the students
be able to define “gender, gender identity and gender
role stereotypes.”
It further asks these very young children to name “at least two things they’ve been taught about gender role stereotypes and how those things may limit people of all genders.”
“Gender identity is that feeling of knowing your
gender. You might feel like you are a boy, you might
feel like you are a girl, ” the lesson plan states.
“You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body
parts that some people might tell you are “girl’ parts.
You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body
parts that some people might tell you are “boy’ parts.”
New Jersey State Senator Holly Schepisi received the so-called education materials from concerned parents.
Schepisi told Fox News that as “a mom and a legislator, I can appreciate the need for students to receive age-appropriate instruction, but this is beyond the pale.”
“We knew that when Governor Murphy used the cover of
the pandemic to push these new standards through
that something was terribly wrong, and now we can
clearly see why they needed to do this in secret. The
agenda has swung so far left in an attempt to
sexualize our precious children that parents are
fighting back,” said Schepisi.
“Based on the overwhelming outreach I have
received from parents, Democrats should expect a
reckoning this fall,” said Schepisi.
New Jersey Senator Michael Testa weighed-in, telling Fox News that this l sex education lesson plan for six and seven-year-olds is “abuse.”
“We fought for kids to return to school in person. Then we had to fight to take off our kids’ masks.”
“Now, we have to watch our elementary school children, who have already fallen behind thanks to the Murphy lockdowns, learn about genitalia and gender identity?” Testa said. “It’s abuse, plain and simple.”
Testa concluded by saying, “every Democrat on the
ballot this fall.” ahead of a widely-predicted Republican wave, to “get ready for the army of parents who will not sit by and watch you steal the innocence of our children without a fight,” said Testa.
NOTE: We are not taking a position on the legitimate issue of gender identity. This is a singular focus on the age appropriateness of exposing this graphically sexual content to six and seven-year-old children.
SOURCE:, New Jersey Senator Michael Testa & New Jersey Senator Holly Schepisi.
Average SAT scores for all NJ high schools, 2020-21
Average SAT scores for the 2020-2021 school year are listed by county, from highest to lowest. Data includes the combined score, as well as the average scores on the math and reading/writing sections.
Participation rates show the share of 12th graders in the Class of 2021 who took the SAT in 2020-21 or in prior years.
High schools aren’t listed if there is no data or the number of students participating was low enough that average scores were not publicly reported to protect student privacy.