New Jersey Increasing Police Presence at Schools Following Tragic Texas School Shooting – Baristanet


Gov. Phil Murphy announced Wednesday that increased law enforcement is being added as a precaution to New Jersey Schools a day after the horrific tragedy in Texas Tuesday, where a shooter killed at least 19 children and two adults at an elementary school.

Murphy said there have been no credible threats to New Jersey schools, but the additional police presence is being added as a precaution.

“We will do everything in our power to ensure students, parents and educators feel safe at school,” Murphy said.

Locally, Montclair Councilor at Large Peter Yacobellis stated that the Township, under the direction of Essex County Prosecutors, the Attorney General and Gov. Murphy, would increase police presence and patrols around Montclair schools.

Montclair Mayor Sean Spiller, who is also president of the New Jersey Education Association, said he was sickened to learn of another school shooting, this time in Uvalde, Texas.

“Our students and educators shouldn’t have to live in fear of being gunned down in school and yet, here we are again,” said Spiller.

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