New Jersey Department of Human Services to Work with Five Community Organizations to Help Enroll Residents in …

Organizations in Camden, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Monmouth/Ocean to Help Enroll People in Health Coverage
(TRENTON) – The New Jersey Department of Human Services is providing $375,000 in funding and support to five community organizations that will help enroll New Jersey residents in health coverage.
The initiative is part of Governor Phil Murphy’s effort to enroll more New Jerseyans during the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) open enrollment period from Nov. 1 to Dec. 15. That effort includes the new web site.
The five organizations previously served as ACA navigators, which work to help consumers look for health coverage options, including completing eligibility and enrollment forms. Their services are free to consumers. The federal government, though, has more recently significantly cut funding to navigator programs.
The Department of Human Services is providing training, materials and technical assistance to the five organizations, which in turn will provide application assistance and organize outreach events.
“New Jerseyans should have as much opportunity as possible to learn about affordable health coverage options and how coverage can benefit their families,” Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson said. “This initiative will ensure that we reach out to as many people as we can and get them signed up for health coverage. A healthy New Jersey means a better New Jersey for everyone.”
The organizations being funded are the Center for Family Services, of Camden; The Family Resource Network, of Hamilton (Mercer County); The Oranges ACA Navigator Project, of Orange; Fulfill Monmouth & Ocean, of Neptune and Toms River; and the Urban League of Hudson County, of Jersey City.
The organizations will help identify uninsured residents and provide them with application assistance for the NJ FamilyCare program and, for those not eligible for NJ FamilyCare, for the Affordable Care Act’s federal marketplace.
NJ FamilyCare – which is managed by the Department – is New Jersey’s Medicaid program and has about 1.8 million enrollees. The Affordable Care Act expanded eligibility for Medicaid to individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level.
“Governor Murphy is committed to New Jersey residents having affordable health coverage, and this will help us further that goal,” Commissioner Johnson said. “Affordable, quality health care equals a better quality of life. Through the NJ FamilyCare program and the federal marketplace, New Jerseyans can get connected to affordable coverage.”