National Pet Fire Safety Day

To celebrate National Pet Fire Safety Day, BIC, the leading manufacturer of lighters has partnered with Dr. Robert Cole, Ph.D, president of Fireproof Children and one of the nation’s leading experts in fire safety education to bring you tips on how you and your family can keep your pets safe in the event of a fire. 

Never leave pets alone around an open flame

Ensure loose wires are secured and other potential hazards are removed from the house to deter pets from chewing on them

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Make sure your pet has proper identification incase you are separated while escaping a fire

Do not go back into a fire to find your pet. Instead, tell the firefighters where your pet may be located for easy rescue

While many of us have fire escape plans for ourselves and our family members, we often forget to include our four-legged friends. In fact, according to the United States Fire Administration, an estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by fires. 

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