Montclair Resident Offers Chatham Township a Cautionary Tale –

To the Editor:

And to Chatham Township Residents:

It is a pleasure to recommend Rez Estevez for Chatham Township Committee.

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During the past years, I’ve gotten to know Ms. Estevez as we’ve explored issues of governance and politics in Essex County NJ Republican Women, which is open to individuals from around the region. In meetings, in conversation, in planning, she exhibits a fine, broadly informed and astute intellect. In our personal lives, where she’s been in my home and I in hers, she exhibits the cultural traits of a successful family leader and member who models and transmits good values to those around her. Her delightful children and family are the test of this. 

As a Montclair resident of nearly 40 years, it is with sadness to report that my community seems to be about 30 to 40 years ahead of Chatham politically. Our first tack toward left-of-center politics began in the late 1960s. As your neighbor to the north, I regret to report that this trajectory has not been a good one. Many of our institutions, such as our school system, have declined precipitously over the generations; our young adult mortality rate (through suicide, overdose) has recently doubled, after quadrupling two years ago. 

I encourage you to keep Chatham Township on a centrist-right, small government, culturally sound path by voting for Rez Estevez, a woman with deep, strong moorings, on November 5.


Maureen Edelson
Montclair NJ