Montclair man feeding multitudes with his sustainable community gardens –

The vegetable garden in the parking lot next to Mount Carmel Catholic Church on Pine Street in Montclair is easy to miss. Not because it isn’t a thriving oasis of green, buzzing with butterflies and bees, with stems and branches climbing in every direction.

It’s just that it is so very small.

Its size — the space of six parking spots — belies its productivity. In March 2020, Jose German-Gomez, with volunteers from his environmental nonprofit Northeast Earth Coalition, created the garden after cleaning up a racoon-infested corner near a dumpster. By September they had delivered 1,000 pounds of fresh organic produce to the local food pantry, Toni’s Kitchen, which was sorely needed during the pandemic.

That’s just the beginning: German-Gomez and volunteers also pull another 500 pounds of organic, sustainably grown vegetables from even smaller patches of earth at Montclair’s Crane Park and First Congregational Church. They manage community gardens in Paterson, Passaic, Totowa, East Orange, Paramus, Florham Park, Kinnelon and Hillside.

Jose German-Gomez, founder of the Montclair environmental group Northeast Earth Coalition, in the Pine St. community garden. More than 1,000 pounds of produce from the garden is donated to Toni's Kitchen every year. Sept. 2021.

The output has only grown. By the end of October, the three Montclair gardens will have donated almost 1,700 pounds to the food-insecure. The community gardens in Paterson, Totowa and Florham Park, with the help of the Community Food Network, produce another 5,000 pounds for a total of about 8,000 pounds of locally and sustainably grown produce donated to the hungry. 

Add that to the Free Little Pantry program he launched last October to celebrate his 65th birthday, and German-Gomez, a retired corporate accountant, is feeding multitudes. There are now seven food giveaway stations on the streets of Montclair, as well as one each in Cedar Grove and East Orange. NEEC and neighborhood volunteers re-stock each with staples at least daily, and some several times a day.  

“People sometimes minimize the impact of the Free Little Pantries, but it’s huge,” German-Gomez said. “We are distributing over 17,000 pounds of food a month with the pantries and growing fast.” 

Their value became clear during Ida, which flooded Montclair’s Human Needs Food Pantry on Label Street. German said coalition volunteers were “running like crazy, re-stocking the pantries, five, six  times per day.”

Anne Mernin, director of Toni’s Kitchen, said German-Gomez’s produce has been a godsend, providing the nutritious backbone for about 1,500 meals each growing season. 

“His gardens are just amazing, the produce he brings is just so beautiful,” she said. “Our cooks love it. When he walks in and drops it off they’re all over it. It’s such a pleasure to give people fresh produce grown that way, there is so much caring and love in that.”

The secret to his productivity, says German-Gomez, is the quality of his soil, which he fertilizes sustainably. Pine Street neighbors drop off compostable trash; after it cycles through bins, it’s made into “compost tea,” a soup containing millions of live microorganisms.

In a machine powered by solar panels, a small basket of compost then simmers for 24 hours in filtered water (the chlorine in tap water would kill the microorganisms), then is poured onto the soil. He calls it “magic” — green beans fertilized with the brew grow four feet high, versus two-and-a half-feet with compost and just a foot and a half with plain soil, he said.

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This super-concentrated organic fertilizer allows him to get more out of less, a necessity for urban gardening. He points to a spot where bean plants twist up arched supports; peppers grow underneath (they don’t need as much sun, German-Gomez explains) and garlic and onions grow underground.

“We probably have five different vegetables growing in this small patch of soil, and multiple generations,” he said. “There’s a theory that you need 12 inches of separation between plants; we are not using even 6 inches.” The depth of the soil in the raised beds, which lay on top of concrete and asphalt, is also under the 12-15 inches recommended but — he gestures at his plants — “Look at that,” he says. “It’s incredible.”

Walls and fences are garden patches too. Lettuce sprouts from pockets hanging from a parking lot wall, potatoes reproduce in bags edging the garden; pole beans twist up the wrought-iron back fence, a la Jack-in-the-Beanstalk. Honeybees buzz around the hives he set up this year, and bumblebees and butterflies snack on pollinator-friendly native plants in pots wedged between beds.

Sustainability is key to everything he does, from planting companion plants to repel insects rather than using chemicals, planting everything from seed, and feeding a composting colony of 7,000 worms. A broccoli-loving groundhog is repelled with a fence that is painstakingly wrapped around the garden after volunteers leave.

German-Gomez, who moved to Montclair in 2000, started the NEEC just before he retired as a corporate accountant in 2016. His first project was helping the town renovate Crane Park downtown, which was run-down and frequented by the homeless and drug dealers; it is now an oasis maintained by the NEEC. The native plant and vegetable gardens there are host to a Master Gardener Program recognized by Rutgers University, the only public space in Montclair to achieve the distinction. The NEEC partners with the public schools, bringing students there to demonstrate sustainable gardening practices, and the New Jersey native plant society brings children with learning disabilities from Bergen County schools.

Yet another achievement for German-Gomez has been helping Montclair become the first town in the state certified by the National Wildlife Federation as a wildlife habitat for its pollinator pathway.

“We worked for five years to help residents transform their gardens into organic gardens with native plants,” he said. Engaging the schools and houses of worship, 250 gardens were registered, creating a route through town for endangered Monarch butterflies and other pollinators.

The NEEC’s next projects are creating a pathway between Bonsai Preserve, Yancataw and Brookdale Park to surrounding towns in North Jersey, and creating a corridor along the proposed Essex-Hudson Greenway.  

Brookdale Park is also a beneficiary of his passion. Acouple of years ago, coalition volunteers began working a section of the Essex-County-owned park called the Overlook, replacing invasive plants with a pollinator garden. It will soon be recognized by Rutgers Master Gardeners program and has inspired the county to adopt similar programs in other parks.

Since the NEEC gets little funding, forming partnerships with other environmental and community groups has been key to its growth. Those collaborations are cultivated through the annual conference German-Gomez began in 2016, Acting Locally for a More Sustainable Future, now the largest gathering of environmental advocates in the metropolitan area. Last year, 67 regional and national organization, authors and speakers participated and the event was opened by Rep. Mikie Sherrill. 

“We have more than 500 volunteers; nobody gets paid,” he said. The organization’s reach extends to Morris, Bergen and Passaic counties, with partnerships with 19 community organizations.

The lack of funding is a strain. Individual donations can’t sustain the coalition’s many projects; at Crane Park  the coalition has spent more than $7,000 this year alone, he said. NEEC also partners with the public schools and gives $500 microgrants for community gardens, but gets no financial support from the town. Money is needed for an irrigation system at the Pine Street garden, where volunteers must lug water from a spigot located halfway across the parking lot. 

For German-Gomez, urban farming is the solution to a host of modern problems: climate change, toxic chemicals in soil and waterways, collapsing pollinator populations, food insecurity. 

“Urban farming is the most sustainable way of farming; you don’t need a big space, you don’t need power machines,” he said. “We can produce 40% of our food that way; we did it in World War II with Victory Gardens.”

It also brings communities together.

“Jose has been just remarkable in how he has engaged the community around growing beautiful food and sharing it with neighbors who may be having a rough moment,” Mernin said.  

Working together in the gardens has served as a form of therapy during the pandemic, he said. “We all needed to get out of the house, and were growing food and building community, developing friendships. That’s what we are going to continue to do.” 

Julia Martin covers Montclair for For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.


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