Madison Area YMCA Late Fall Programs: | Madison, NJ Patch –
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

At the Madison Area YMCA, we are pleased to offer opportunities that support adult, youth and family health, wellness and development! We are gearing up for our 5-week Late Fall Session, beginning on Monday, November 23. Late Fall Session online registration for members opens Thursday, November 5 at 9 a.m. Non-members registration opens online on Friday, November 6 at 9 a.m.
The Late Fall schedule includes a variety of enriching program opportunities to meet the varying needs of our community’s youth, especially during this season’s challenging circumstances. Following recommendations from the Madison Department of Health and the CDC, we provide a safe and healthy experience for all participants.
“We are excited to welcome back a modified Y-winners Basketball and Flag Football for the Late Fall session.” said Associate Sports Director Aaron Goodwin. “Pods for ‘safe circles’ of family and friends continue to be offered for preschoolers not only in Sports, but in Gymnastics, Y Ninja Gym and SOPA. Private lessons continue for both preschoolers and school-age participants.”
Small studio adult and youth programs, private lessons and custom youth pod offerings are available for the School of Performing Arts (SOPA), Sports skill development, Gymnastics, Y Ninja Gym and more. While still maintaining physical distance requirements, our custom pods are the perfect opportunity to extend your preschool child’s skills development within your “safe circle.”
Visit for more information.
Looking for more fun when school’s out? Join us on Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Kids Day Out, an enriching and fun filled program for your kindergarten through grade 5 children to enjoy when school is not in session. Extended care is available for an additional fee. Email Associate Child Care Director Katie Koontz at for more information.
The Y strives to be available for all. An Active Madison Area YMCA membership is required to receive the attractive member rate and for priority registration. Financial assistance is available for membership and programs. Please email us at to join, to reactivate a Madison Area YMCA membership or for financial assistance information. We can’t wait to see you soon!
As a mission-driven charitable organization and community wellness center, the Madison Area YMCA is dedicated to nurturing the potential of our youth, providing a safe space for teens, improving the community’s health and well-being, and giving back by providing support to our neighbors.
The views expressed in this post are the author’s own. Want to post on Patch?