Livingston Resident Collects Baby Supplies to Host Showers for Moms in Need –

LIVINGSTON, NJ — Livingston resident Beagy Fils-Aime recently founded a non-profit organization called “Honey Babees” that collects supplies to be donated to pregnant mothers in need.
Fils-Aime shared that her objective is to “help expecting and young mothers and to make motherhood a little sweeter for them as they are about to welcome their new bundles of joy.”
Honey Babee’s first annual “Baby Sprinkle,” recently held at the University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey in Newark, was a black-and-yellow, honey bee-themed affair that featured multilayer “cakes” made of diapers and topped with a large honey bee; cupcakes with bright yellow icing; yellow, black and white balloons; and gift bags filled with donated clothes, diaper bags, shoes, bottles, pacifiers, headbands, bibs and more.
In addition to feeding attendees and bestowing baby gifts upon them, Fils-Aime also wanted to pamper them and help them to focus on their personal needs. In order to encourage this, each woman was given a piece of paper and asked to write down three things they plan to do to love themselves.
After welcoming about 30 moms to the inaugural Baby Sprinkle, Fils-Aime said she plans to continue to fundraising and distributing gift bags through future Baby Sprinkle events while also donating items regularly to a women’s home in Jersey City.
Fils-Aime was thrilled with the generosity of donors who contributed to the first Baby Sprinkle. Although she “had donations pouring in” earlier this year, however, Fils-Aime said that the COVID-19 outbreak has slowed down donations.
“It’s a bit hard to make connections with others to meet and gather items,” she said.
Fils-Aime credits her mother with teaching her to treat others with respect and to be considerate of other’s needs. She noted that her mother and two aunts have been extremely supportive of her endeavors and helped a great deal with the organization of the first Baby Sprinkle.
In speaking about the organization, Fils-Aime explained that growing up with 15 first cousins as well as twin siblings who were seven years younger caused her to develop a love for children at a very young age. As the oldest of the cousins, Fils-Aime said she spent a great deal of time babysitting.
“I’ve always loved children for as long as I can remember,” she said. “I’ve coached cheerleading in town, babysat a lot and was a camp counselor.”
Outside of her charitable efforts—which also includes volunteering at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, serving Thanksgiving meals each year at the Orange Fire Department and working with other nonprofits throughout the years—Fils-Aime works an account executive at a medical communication/medical education company and as a pharmacy technician in Livingston.
To contribute to Honey Babees or to request donations for someone in need, contact Fils-Aime at