Livingston Board of Education Member Ronnie Konner Seeks Re-election

Ronnie Ferber Konner filed her nominating petition on June 7, 2018 and has announced that she will seek another term on the Livingston Board of Education in the November 6, 2018 election. Ms. Konner appreciates the trust that the township members have given to her to serve Livingston, and she would like to continue to share her experience to provide the best education for each student in our town. She was encouraged to continue her service by many Livingston community and staff members.

As a resident of Livingston since the early 1960s, Ronnie has experienced many changes in the education of the children of Livingston, as a student at LHS, a parent of children entering kindergarten in the 1970s and 1980s, an elected Board of Education member from 1983-1992, a teacher in the Livingston Public Schools from 1999-2014, a grandparent of children, one of whom graduated LHS in 2017 and three who currently attend LHS, Collins, and Riker Hill schools, and as a current Board member elected once again in both 2014 and 2015.

Ms. Konner received her Bachelor of Science in Spanish from Montclair State College, a Master of Science degree in Education from the Johns Hopkins University, and more than 40 graduate credits in Technology. She has taught Spanish grades 7- 12 in the West Essex Regional Schools, and grades K-5 in the Livingston Public Schools, as well as teaching as an adjunct professor at Jersey City State College and Fairleigh Dickinson University courses related to the integration of technology in the classroom.

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During her teaching career, Ms. Konner was recognized as a Teacher of the Year at West Essex Junior High and at Riker Hill Elementary School, and was also the recipient of many grants awards from AT&T, the Geraldine Dodge Foundation, and the Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal. She has been a professional volunteer involved in the many PTO, HSA, PT Council school groups during her involvement in the public schools as a parent, as well as a founding member of the Livingston Education Foundation. A life member of National Council of Jewish Women for more that 40 years, she currently is working as a volunteer on the Back 2 School Store Committee.

In her role as a current BOE member, she serves on the Board Curriculum Committee, Health and Wellness Committee, District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC), Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC), as a liaison to the Chamber of Commerce, Healthy Community, Healthy Youth (HCHY), Livingston Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, Livingston Public Broadcasting, Performing Arts Committee, Safety Committee, a Delegate to New Jersey School Boards, Essex County School Boards, the Garden State Coalition, Essex Regional Services Commission, and a Board liaison to Burnet Hill, Harrison, Riker Hill, Heritage, and LHS. In her tenure as a BOE member, Ms. Konner has served three terms as Board of Education President. As a current Board member Ronnie has been privileged to attend many school activities at all of the Livingston Public Schools, when invited.

During her past two terms on the Livingston Board of Education, working collaboratively with her Board colleagues, she has seen positive changes incorporated into the educational program, not limited to, but including: an updated district Strategic Plan; a Safety and Security Audit of all facilities with broad participation of all stakeholder groups; an improved technology initiative to include 1:1 laptop program in grades 7-12, increased accessibility of computers in grades K-6, tech coaches to provide professional development for staff to encourage the integration of technology; establishment of Board Budget goals to refocus funds to directly impact students in the classrooms through smaller class sizes and suggested class size guidelines for grades K-12; curriculum initiatives that included interdisciplinary offerings such as the Science Research program, Humanities, and Steam offerings at LHS; a Summer Academy; improved

Board governance with a new modified committee structure and professional development for the Board as a Whole, the first time Livingston earned Board Certification from New Jersey School Boards; ensuring that all Board facilities are now ADA compliant; improved communication and sharing of services with the Town Council to include safety and security of all buildings, expanded use of programs at Monmouth Court, use of fields and tennis courts, Board participation on many township committees, meetings with the Planning Board to better prepare for the future development and needs of our town

Going forward she would like to see additional improved governance by the Board of Education, improved social and emotional well-being of all students and staff, a review of finances to continue to provide an effective educational program within the financial ability of the community, authentic learning opportunities to engage all students, and improved communication with all stakeholders. With your support, Ms. Konner will work to implement policy and oversight to ensure a forward looking vision for all children in our school district.