Latest COVID lie superspreads across NJ (Opinion) – New Jersey 101.5 FM

First things first: An epidemiological event like a pandemic never should have become political but fanatical conservatism made it the case. I mean, the virus that is going to kill more than 800,000 Americans (as of this writing it stands at 793,000 and counting) doesn’t choose sides.

It killed Dick Farrel. It ended the life of Phil Valentine. It took down Marc Bernier. The latter called himself “Mr. Anti-Vax.” All three were right-wing radio talk hosts who railed against vaccines and government control. So many of these types have outright denied the pandemic and are the ones who made this about politics. The virus doesn’t give a damn about your politics.

Now before you get your conservative panties in a bunch and call me a libtard, save your breath. I am a registered Republican who never once voted for Phil Murphy. There are plenty of intelligent Republicans who can think straight. Then there are off-the-deep-end whack jobs who believe in QAnon and deep state and that 800,000 dead Americans means just a head cold and that vaccines are useless.

They have their cult leaders.

I heard one just today spreading more nonsense claiming vaccines are useless because the majority of COVID-19 deaths in Europe are now among vaccinated people.

Let’s clear that up.

The self-proclaimed spreaders of truth who are actually spreaders of bullsh## have done it again.

Social media posts are trying to claim vaccines don’t work because most deaths in Europe are among the vaccinated. It does NOT mean vaccines are useless.


“Epidemiologists and biostatistics experts have been cautioning that as more and more of a population gets vaccinated, we’ll likely see more deaths from COVID-19 among the vaccinated. It’s simply math. The vaccines aren’t 100% effective — no vaccine is — so some deaths are expected. And if there are relatively few people still unvaccinated, the raw numbers of deaths are likely to show more deaths among the vaccinated.”

There was an article titled “Why most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination” published in Guardian. In it, Anthony Masters, statistical ambassador for the Royal Statistical Society and David Spiegelhalter, chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at the University of Cambridge, write the following:

“Consider the hypothetical world where absolutely everyone had received a less than perfect vaccine. Although the death rate would be low, everyone who died would have been fully vaccinated.”

Get it now?

The self-proclaimed spreaders of truth who are actually spreaders of bullsh## have done it again. They have an agenda and a narrative and will twist facts so hard to delude you that contortionists would be envious.

No one ever claimed any Covid vaccine (or ANY vaccine ever for that matter) is 100% effective. So the more a population reaches full vaccination the more you’ll see the deaths that remain happen among the vaccinated. Just to be sure this really is a matter of math I checked Europe’s up-to-date numbers.

These vaccination rates are as of December 9, 2021. For reference it’s December 10 as I write this.

Ireland 93.8%

Belgium 87.5%

Denmark 95.8%

France 83.5%

Malta 92.4%

You get the point. I hope.

With vaccination rates this high combined with the fact that no vaccine is ever 100% effective it is simple math that eventually most deaths that occur will be among the vaccinated. Saying it’s proof vaccines are useless is just another lie stacked on Pervaricator Mountain.

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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