Junior League of Montclair-Newark Makes Adoption Day Extra Special for Local Families – TAPinto.net

Essex County’s National Adoption Day was held on Friday, November 16, 2018 at the Superior Court of NJ in Newark. This annual event was made even brighter and more memorable for the 50 adopted children by the continued caring and committed involvement of the Junior League of Montclair-Newark (JLMN) volunteers. 

Led by JLMN Fostering Hope Chair, Heather Le Clair, the JLMN, in partnership with the Essex County Court Appointed Special Advocates Office (CASA), gave the adoptees and their new families a wonderful day full of memories. From donating book-bundles and guiding cheerful pre-ceremony crafts and activities to throwing a lively post-ceremony party, JLMN volunteers impacted Adoption Day in a beautiful and remarkable way.At the end of the day, each child was given a brand new stuffed animal to take home, adding even bigger smiles to the faces of each new family member. 

“The Junior League of Montclair-Newark is thrilled to once again be part of this profound and fulfilling event,” stated Le Clair. She continued, “The smiles on the kids’ faces is everything to us and helping these new families begin their lives together with a memorable day makes all our efforts worthwhile.” 

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The JLMN has been a sponsor of Adoption Day since 2011. The organization’s Fostering Hope initiative has a two-part focus: the first is to make Adoption Day a happy and memorable day for the children and their families annually; the second is to organize and implement an Education & Career Fair for foster youth in Essex County as they transition out of the foster care system. This fair takes place every May and exposes youth to over thirty exhibitors ranging from legal assistance, career & education preparation, financial literacy, potential employers, voter registration & scholarship opportunities. 

For more information on the JLMN and its initiatives, please visit: https://www.jlmn.org/?nd=current_projects

About us: The JLMN is a nonprofit organization of trained volunteers. Through hands-on projects and partnerships, our members build a better community by promoting education, health and wellness, literacy and the arts for children at risk. To learn more, visit: www.jlmn.org