Jules H. Lozowick – Obituaries – News Chief

Jules H. Lozowick was a product of the Newark New Jersey public schools, He worked his way through college, as a draftsman and tool and test set designer. In 1943, he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Mr. Lozowick enlisted in the Army Air Corp in June 1942 and discharged in 1946 as an Engineering Officer. He retired from Western Electric Company, now known as Alcatel – Lucent, in 1984 after 42 years of service. Mr. Lozowick engineered the first telephone private exchange switchboard that could be used on an office desk; the communication system installed in the ocean liner the United States, which was then the largest ocean liner in the world; a communications system for the White House and AT&T central office equipment systems for the New England States. He was promoted to management and at one time or another managed Labor Relations, Employee Relations, Personnel Relations, Government Relations, Community Relations, Training, Personal and Building Services. He was active in Civil Rights Organizations to train and hire minorities and to arbitrate between Civil Right groups and businesses to settle disputes. He was a board member and officer for the following: the Essex County Urban League; the Business and Industry Coordinating Council (BICC); the YMWCA, Young Men’s and Women’s Christian Association of Newark; the Newark Community School of the Arts and the Telephone Pioneers of America, for which he was President of the Newark Community Chapter and a member on the national board, when he led the New York City-New Jersey Area, with its 65,000 members. Mr. Lozowick was a member of: the Boy Scouts of America, Explorers Division, from which he received the Explorers District Award of Merit; the Private Initiative Council for the City of Newark; the New Jersey Council on Economic Education; the Manpower Committee of the City of Newark; the Community Affairs Group of Newark; the Grant Makers of New Jersey; the New Jersey College Business Council; the Employer Legislative Committee of Essex County; the Council of the Newark Museum, the Metro Newark Chamber of Commerce and the Advisory Committee for the Newark Board of Education. He wrote a Survey to Improve Public Education for Western Electric in 1970, which was used across the country. He prepared a Survey of Jobs and Unemployment in the Newark Area for the Metro Chamber of Commerce in 1973. In 1974, he was the Chairperson of Newark’s United Nation Day celebration. In 1975, he led a committee that prepared a critique of the Civil Rights Organization of the State of New Jersey for the Attorney General of New Jersey. After retiring, Mr. Lozowick maintained membership in some of the above agencies. He also was elected to the boards of the following: the Alumni Association of the New Jersey Institute of Technologies (NJIT), where he is a Past President and in 1993 received the Alumnus Award of the Year; BMI, the Board Member Institute; the Senior Service Corps, Inc.; RSVP, Retired Senior Service Program and the Rainbow for all God’s Children. He was active with the Telephone Pioneers of America in their shop, where they made items for the handicapped and non-profit agencies and with Medicare as a SHIP/Shine volunteer where he helped Medicare enrollees, who have problems with or about Medicare. He and his wife were members of the Livingston Music Group for over 50 years, where he was Treasurer. They are members of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish Historical Society of Metro West in New Jersey, the Anti-Defamation League and other civil rights organizations. Mr. Lozowick married Natalie Victoria (Vicki) Reich in 1945 and they resided in Roseland, N.J. before moving to the Lake Port Square Independent Living Community in Leesburg, FL in 2009. Vicki died five days after her ninetieth birthday in 2010. He was active in several Lake Port Square Live Well programs to improve you physically, mentally and emotionally and was active in their Alzheimer/Dementia Group and was moderator of their Discussion Group. He spent the last few years of his life in the compassionate care of Bon Secours Maria Manor in St. Petersburg, FL close to family. His brother-in-law Howard Reich lives in St. Petersburg, Florida and his eleven nephews and nieces live in Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Arizona and Israel.