Judge freezes assets of millionaire CEO who put plane on autopilot to have sex with teen girl – NJ.com

A judge on Tuesday froze the assets of a former CEO of a New Jersey investment firm who put his private plane on autopilot to have sex with a 15-year-old girl.
Steven Bradley Mell, 52, who is serving seven years in federal prison, lived on a 50-acre estate in Bedminster and owned several jets and helicopters, according to the victim’s attorney, Bruce H. Nagel of Roseland.
Mell was sentenced in June after he pleaded guilty to one count of interstate travel to engage in illicit sexual conduct and one count of receipt of child pornography.
Nagel sued Mell on behalf of the victim, who is now 18, and argued in Essex County Superior Court on Tuesday that Mell’s assets should be frozen pending the outcome of the lawsuit.
Judge Robert Gardner, who also heard arguments from attorneys representing Mell and his wife, ruled that all of Mell’s assets be frozen and paid into an escrow account, according to Nagel.
”Not only did Mell commit these vile acts, he bragged to his victim that he was giving all of his money to his wife and kids so he would not have to pay her a dime,” Nagel said in an email. “I guess Mell was wrong about that.”
Anthony G. Attrino may be reached at tattrino@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @TonyAttrino. Find NJ.com on Facebook.
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