JLOSH announces new board of directors – Essex News Daily

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — A new team of women is ready to helm the Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills. The group announced that Isabelle Felix, of Maplewood, will be the board’s 107th president with a one-year term.
Other board members are: President-elect and Community Vice President Larisa Holderied, of Maplewood; treasurer Chye Boon, of Short Hills; assistant treasurer Abbe Diana, of Maplewood; Assistant Community Vice President Brittany Heaslip, of West Orange; Membership Vice President Pegeen Williams, of Livingston, and Assistant Vice President Kara Grieco, of Springfield; recording secretary Christine Skalkotos, of Short Hills; Fundraising Council Chairwoman Katherine Galli, of Livingston, and Assistant Chairwoman Lauren Sattler, of West Orange; Communications Council Chairwoman Sharon Polese, of Maplewood, and Assistant Chairwoman Jessica Simpson-Cook, of Basking Ridge; and Sustainer Council Co-chairwomen Sara D’Andrea, of Maplewood, and Michelle Solgan, of South Orange.
JLOSH focuses on addressing the basic needs of low-income children, pre-K through eighth grade. The group’s community service work is dedicated to closing the gap on food insecurity, essential clothing needs, school supply gaps and hygiene needs of school-aged children living in poverty.
“The Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills plays a vital in the community because in addition to providing direct service in our service areas, we also provide leadership and advocacy training opportunities for our members and members of the community at large,” Felix said. “We are able to do this because we are part of a powerful network of more than 140,000 women in 291 communities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Mexico who share the same mission. Collectively, we constitute one of the largest and most effective volunteer organizations in the world.”
JLOSH serves the communities of East Orange, Livingston, Maplewood, Millburn, Orange, Short Hills, South Orange, Springfield and West Orange. For more information, visit www.jlosh.org.