Human fetal remains found in storage container in Wayne home – New Jersey 101.5 FM

WAYNE — An investigation continued Monday in this Passaic County township a day after residents reported the discovery of the remains of a human fetus on their property, according to prosecutors.

A release from the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office said the residents called in their finding around 5:45 p.m. Sunday, telling police the fetal remains were located in a storage container in their basement.

The local medical examiner’s office took custody of the remains, according to the prosecutor’s office, and will conduct an autopsy.

No further details were available Monday afternoon, although the prosecutor’s office said more information would be released.

Officials did not immediately disclose the street or neighborhood in which the residence is located.

Anyone with information is being asked to contact the Wayne Police Detective Bureau, 973-694-0600, the prosecutor’s office tip line, 1-877-370-PCPO, or by emailing

Patrick Lavery is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at

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Every NJ city and town’s municipal tax bill, ranked

A little less than 30 cents of every $1 in property taxes charged in New Jersey support municipal services provided by cities, towns, townships, boroughs and villages. Statewide, the average municipal-only tax bill in 2021 was $2,725, but that varied widely from more than $13,000 in Tavistock to nothing in three townships. In addition to $9.22 billion in municipal purpose taxes, special taxing districts that in some places provide municipal services such as fire protection, garbage collection or economic development levied $323.8 million in 2021.