How you can help Ukraine through this NJ church – New Jersey 101.5 FM

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine grinds on and the body count rises which includes children, here on the other side of the world one New Jersey church is doing something about it.

“What is happening in Ukraine is genocide. It is more than horrible,” said the Rev. Oleksii Hochuk. He’s the pastor at Holy Ascension Cathedral in Clifton.

It’s one of the first churches here in New Jersey to collect food and supplies to be sent to the people of Ukraine, but it certainly won’t be the last. New Jersey has the fourth highest population of Ukrainians in the United States.

You don’t have to be from Ukraine to see the atrocity. People from all backgrounds will want to help. Donations are pouring in. One flight already landed there with its relief packages and another is scheduled to leave Thursday. There’s no sign the collections are slowing down.

What do they need?

Other than any non-perishable food items the church says it needs medical supplies like bandages, burn creams, vitamins, first aid kits and pain relievers. Also personal hygiene supplies like toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and baby items like diapers and formula.

Donated items can be dropped off to the church. Holy Ascension Cathedral is at 635 Broad Street in Clifton. Their phone number is 973-473-8665.

If you aren’t near Clifton or would just rather donate money to help people in Ukraine you should know that organizations like Amnesty International, Red Cross and Save The Children are all accepting monetary donations.

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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