How to drive in NJ: 28 years of Road Warrior advice


Our former and current Road Warrior columnists share memories. John Cichowski, The Road Warrior, @njroadwarrior

Tips for coping with tickets, left-lane hogs, seat belts, E-ZPass, blind spots, high-beam flashers and more

Hey, all you know-it-alls! How long have you been driving now? Ten years? Twenty years? Thirty? Even more?

You would think that’s sufficient time to make us all proficient enough to learn the rules of the road and gain a little street wisdom in the process, right?

Maybe, but probably not nearly enough.

That was the assessment reached the other day as this know-it-all compared notes with my all-knowing former colleague, Jeffrey Page, who wrote the first Road Warrior column 28 years ago this month — a habit I picked up in October 2003.

“Too many of us don’t seem to give a damn much of the time,” concluded Page, as he recalled a weak moment when he cut off a fellow motorist who seemed enraged enough to goad my ex-colleague into a street-side brawl — until Jeff felt the firm hand of his wife on his shoulder.

“Stay in the car!” Anita commanded.

“Yeah, we all screw up from time to time,” I confessed, recalling a recent fender-bender in which I insisted that the owner and I exchange license, registration and insurance information so we could quickly be on our way.

“No, no, you could be lying to me,” she said with equal insistence as she dialed 911.

“Hmph! What does she know?” I said to my wife, Susan.

But the responding cop agreed with the woman!

“It’s always best to have an objective third party — a police officer — write a report,” the officer explained (as Susan shot me that wifely look that says, “I thought you knew what you were talking about!”). To go “on our way” after simply exchanging information, added the cop, could be interpreted as leaving the scene — a serious violation.

So, how do we know-it-alls mend our wicked ways?

“Always drive with a wife,” quipped Page, my retired friend.

Anniversary columns are generally designed to remind readers of the writers’ perceived brilliance in breaking the Bridgegate scandal or inspiring legislation to discourage driving with snow on the roof or getting a troublesome traffic light removed from a fatal crash scene on Route 208. But Jeff and I weren’t feeling so brilliant on this anniversary.

So we searched back over nearly three decades of columns to come up with practical tips that go a little beyond what AAA might tell readers about speeding, drinking and hand-held cellphones. Here are a few things that know-it-alls should know, but probably forgot, or maybe never knew in the first place — or were simply too much in a hurry to seriously consider.

Traffic tickets

When caught doing something that an objective third party might interpret as a deviation from the motor-vehicle rules that New Jersey lawmakers have crafted, amended and re-amended so carefully over the last 120 years, you should always be sure to tell the cop who stopped you exactly who you think is in charge of the conversation you’re about to have.

Hint: That ain’t you!

So this would be the wrong time to remind the person with the badge, uniform and gun that you pay his or her salary. Instead, try two sentences that Glen Bolofsky, president of Paramus-based, advises for his clients:

 “Officer, if you say I broke the law, I’m sure you’re right. But if you look at my record, you’ll see I’m a clean driver, so I’d appreciate any break.”

Chances are good that you’ll still get a ticket, but it’s a better ice-breaker than “Why aren’t you out chasing criminals!”

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The speeding ‘game’

“Don’t play ‘Beat the GPS’,” warns Arnold Anderson, who teaches cadets at the Essex County Police Academy. “Reaching your destination a few minutes before the estimate predicted by your dashboard electronics is a fool’s game.”

Anderson, a former detective and fatal-crash analyst, also hates the game played by left-lane hogs who refuse to shift lanes for speeders behind them.

“It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going or how much faster the guy behind you is going,” he said. “The law says you must yield.”

But if the compulsion to speed is much stronger than your will to survive, try this Road Warrior trick: Shift to the far right lane.

Yes, I know it’s hard to speed in the co-called “slow lane.”

But that’s the point.

Seat belts

Observational studies by New Jersey Institute of Technology researchers suggest that more than nine out of 10 vehicle occupants in the Garden State buckle up in the front seat. But more than six out of 10 somehow lose sight of this safety benefit when they climb into the back seat, a place where crashes can hurtle the unbuckled into the front seat, where they’ve been known to kill and maim the buckled.

That’s stupid, of course, but as Tim Franco explains, this stupidity borders on insanity when you consider that the back seat is statistically the safest place in the car when passengers are buckled — especially kids.

“So why do parents too often allow their kids to sit up front instead of insisting that they remain buckled in child restraints in back?” asked the former Fair Lawn cop.

Franco once received this answer from a woman who was driving her 6-year-old home from school: “He was so good today that I thought I’d reward him by letting him sit up front with me.”

As Tim reminded me, the definition of “reward” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary makes no mention of a 2017 study by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, which showed that 43 percent of all children killed in American road crashes were either unbuckled or poorly restrained — many of them upfront with Mom or Dad.

Heat stroke

The number of unattended American children who have died of hyperthermia in cars this year now stands at 48, four more than all of 2017, according to, which keeps track of such grisly outcomes.

Too often it’s busy but otherwise careful parents, relatives or caregivers who are responsible for these deaths, which generally occur when a preoccupied driver leaves a toddler buckled in the back seat on a hot day.

Thankfully, there are several solutions for preventing such tragedies, but none is better than the one thought up by Clifton reader Donna Popovich, who suggests that motorists always leave a shoe in back with the child. Even the most forgetful parent or baby sitter rarely leaves a car with just one shoe, Donna explained.

E-ZPass black hole

Yes, like your air conditioner, your computer and your cable system, E-ZPass can screw up from time to time, and the answers you might get when fighting an exorbitant bill don’t always jibe with what you consider to be the facts. And that’s when some people consider committing a self-punishing crime — like refusing to pay for service they never got, especially those $50 penalties that keep piling up.

But don’t cut off payment! Find another way!

The reason: Once the electronic tolling system cuts you off for non-payment, it doesn’t have to take you back. That means no cashless rides across the Hudson or on the turnpike or the parkway.

The appeals process for this sort of lifetime ban is virtually non-existent — short of an act of Congress. And it’s likely that accused deadbeats aren’t on any list of priorities piling up on the desk of your Capitol Hill representative.

Blind spots

Negotiating a curve and changing lanes in New Jersey were, respectively, the second- and sixth-most-common contributing factors in fatal crashes in 2016, so few issues are more important than the ability to see what’s coming up behind you. If your side mirrors aren’t equipped with convex spotters, the Society of Automotive Engineers suggests setting them outward so the viewing angle overlaps that of the windshield’s rear-view mirror.

But readjustment might take some reconditioning, because most drivers aren’t used to seeing the sides of their cars in side mirrors.

Don Quixote?

Is it legally correct to flash your headlights to warn oncoming motorists about a speed trap?

Drivers seldom face this dilemma anymore after the publicity generated by a Sussex County driver who was ticketed for blinking his high beams this way on Route 80 back in the early 1990s. The New Jersey Law Journal likened the flasher to Don Quixote. Calling the driver Robin Hood, Jeffrey Page considered the ticket a violation of the First Amendment right of free speech.

“By their action,” wrote The Road Warrior, “headlight flashers may deprive a trooper of writing a summons, but after all, flashers and cops accomplish the same thing; they get motorists to slow down. And the primary concern here is safety, right? Not anything as base as fines or tickets.”

A judge found the flasher not guilty, but not so much based on safety or lofty free-speech criteria. The statute cited in the violation was designed to discourage motorists from using their high beams while streetlights were still shining. However, the “offense” occurred at 8:30 a.m., long after the sun was up and streetlights had been doused.

But we quixotic know-it-alls take our victories any way we can. Happy anniversary from Jeff and me to all who have stuck with us down through the years.


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