Health officials: New Jersey child dies from the flu – News 12 New Jersey


New Jersey health officials say that a child has died from the flu – the first child death this flu season.

Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal says that the child is from central New Jersey and died in late December. Additional details about the child were not released due to privacy laws.

Health officials have previously said that flu activity in New Jersey is high this season and expressed the importance of getting the flu shot.

RELATED: CDC: NJ among states with ‘widespread’ flu activity 
RELATED: NJDOH: All regions of New Jersey dealing with widespread flu activity 

The Department of Health also urges that people take the necessary precautions during this flu season, such as frequently washing or disinfecting hands, covering any coughs and sneezes, and staying home if you are sick, especially with a fever.

Information about the flu and where to find flu shots can be found at the state’s health website.