George Floyd statues are ‘racist,’ used by Biden, Dems as Marxist ploy to ‘denigrate’ Black men: Whitlock – Fox News

Memorializing George Floyd through recently erected statues in New York and New Jersey is actually “racist” and only causes more harm for Black people and America, sports journalist Jason Whitlock argues in a new op-ed published Tuesday by The Blaze.

Those statues in Newark, N.J., and Brooklyn, N.Y., unveiled by officials last week honoring the final nine minutes of Floyd’s life actually “denigrate and diminish the reputation of Black men,” Whitlock, who is Black, argued in a new piece titled “Veneration of George Floyd is racist and must be stopped.” 

“George Floyd was a victim – of his drug addiction, self-destructive behavior, and Derek Chauvin’s misconduct,” Whitlock asserts. “Floyd is not Jesus. He’s not Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, or Medgar Evers, black men who died tragically in service of promoting racial fairness.”


“Floyd isn’t Crispus Attucks, the first man killed in America’s Revolutionary War,” he continues. “Floyd isn’t Emmett Till, an innocent victim of anti-black bigotry. Floyd isn’t any of the black men I know who are terrific fathers, husbands, providers, and protectors. Floyd isn’t ‘Uncle Jimmy,’ my media sidekick, whose primary job is father to his young sons, James and Jamill.” 

Instead, Floyd’s death has been used as a “prop, a pawn, and a punching bag.” Corporate media has used Floyd’s death for attention, Whitlock argues, while liberal politicians used it to push policy and social activists used Floyd’s death to “explain black people and promote themselves.” 

Whitlock describes how a “satanic cabal of cultural elites” – made up of both White and Black people – use racial division to paint “the American experiment as a failure in need of a Marxist overhaul.” 

“America’s global elites prefer China and the Communist Chinese Party. That’s why we’re erecting statues honoring George Floyd’s last nine minutes of life,” he writes. “That’s why President Biden suggested Floyd’s death was more meaningful than Dr. Martin Luther King’s.”

He further argues that Biden and “the elitist revolutionaries” want people to believe that the American system denies Black people agency and makes them “defenseless punching bags for Trump supporters, Proud Boys, conservative evangelicals, rural militias, Republicans, and every other group that doesn’t pledge allegiance to the Democratic Party.”

“The politicians, activists, celebrity influencers, and media personalities – the exploiters of George Floyd – are determined to transform an amateur porn star, violent criminal, and drug abuser into a national hero,” he writes. “They do so because they have no respect for black men or black people.”

On Friday, a new 700-pound bronze statue of George Floyd commissioned by the city of Newark was unveiled outside City Hall. It happened a day before Saturday’s celebration of Juneteenth, the newly deemed federal holiday honoring the emancipation of slaves in the United States.  

“The statue in Newark has Floyd seated on a park bench wearing a ‘wifebeater’ shirt,” Whitlock wrote. “I’m shocked the sculptor didn’t put a crack pipe in one hand and a 40-ounce of beer in the other.”

During a press event revealing the new structure, Mayor Ras J. Baraka said, “All of the activity that took place around this country because of the untimely and vicious murder of George Floyd, and all the activism that sparked out of it, is worth us pausing and paying attention to,” WLNE-TV reported. 

Then in Brooklyn on Saturday, an over 500-pound statue of Floyd’s head made out of plywood and sitting on a five-foot base was unveiled at Brooklyn Junction in Midwood, according to BK Reader

The statue was created by artist Chris Carnabuci for a project commissioned by the nonprofit We Are Floyd. It will remain at the corner of Flatbush and Nostrand Avenues in Brooklyn for three weeks before being relocated to Union Square in Manhattan. 

Floyd’s brother, Terrence, attended the unveiling Saturday, as well as New York City Council Member Farah Louis, who said the “statue conveys the dignity and strength of George Floyd.”

“I hope it will prompt constituents, residents and passersby to continue to march, mobilize, organize and educate for meaningful change,” Louis, representing District 45, said, according to The Patch. “We could do no greater honor to George Floyd’s memory today on Juneteenth and every day.”


Whitlock rejects Juneteenth, new attention to the Tulsa massacre and statues of Floyd as symbols of what has happened to Black people, painting their identities as victims instead of by their achievements. 

He rejected new statues of Floyd in the names of Frederick Douglass, Richard Allen, Booker T. Washington, Benjamin Banneker, George Washington Carver, Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, Ben Carson, Nat Turner and more.