Former Millburn English Teacher Takes Deal After Sex Charge – Millburn, NJ Patch

MILLBURN, NJ – A former English teacher at Millburn High School, who allegedly made inappropriate statements to a teen student, has taken a deal to avoid a conviction, the Essex County Prosector’s Office confirmed on Monday.
Joseph Pedulla, 57, a Monroe Township resident, was arrested in June on a charge of endangering the welfare of a child and was placed on leave from the school.
According to prior reports, he had taught a female student during her freshman and sophomore years at Millburn High. She would stop by his office to talk about theater arts. Last year, when she was no longer his student, he allegedly texted her using Whatasapp and another app. According to news reports, she became concerned when the messages became more inappropriate. Then, he stopped by a classroom she was in and allegedly said, “I want to make love to you.”
According to the Record, he taught in the district for over 20 years.
As part of the deal, Pedulla must give up his teaching license. He also can’t contact the girl or her family.
Katherine Carter, a spokeswoman for the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, said, “I can confirm he was admitted into Pretrial Intervention (PTI), a diversionary program, for a period of 24 months on one count of fourth degree stalking and one count of fourth degree cruelty and neglect of a child. He will be expected to follow a host of conditions.”
She said these include avoiding contact with the student and her immediate family, forfeiting his teaching license and employment with Millburn, and undergoing mental health evaluations.
If he successfully completes PTI, he will not have a conviction on any charge.
The Record of Hackensack reported that he must report to a probation officer over the 24 months.
In that report, Pedulla’s attorney, Ronald Ricci of Totora, said, “He’s looking forward to moving on with his life.” Ricci did not return phone calls by the time of this report, but it will be updated if he does.
The deal was accepted by prosecutors in state Superior Court on Friday.