Fireworks Near Me: The Caldwells July 4th 2022 – Caldwells, NJ Patch

THE CALDWELLS, NJ — Cities and counties across the country continue to bring back many of the traditional Independence Day activities that were either canceled or modified the last two years.
July 4 is just around the corner, so it’s time to find out what Fourth of July fireworks and festivities are going on near you in 2022.
Remember to double-check with organizers before heading over.
Here’s what’s in store this July 4 in the area of the Caldwells:
WHAT: The Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration sponsored by the Communities of Caldwell, Essex Fells, Roseland and West Caldwell will be held on Monday, July 4.
WHERE: James Caldwell High School Baseball Field, Westville Avenue in West Caldwell.
WHEN: For the holiday festivities, the field gates will open at 7 p.m. July 4. Rain date is July 5.
MORE INFO: Fireworks by Garden State Fireworks of Millington. Entertainment will be provided by DJ Dan Duca. To help offset the cost of the fireworks, the committee is asking for a donation of $3 per adult and $1 per child under 12. See the calendar listing here.
Other Nearby Fireworks Events
- Livingston is hosting an AutoFest during the day, then musical performances and fireworks later. See the Patch July 4 calendar listing here.
- Essex County planned three concerts with fireworks in June through July 1. More information is here.
- The Macy’s fireworks will be over the East River this year, and are usually televised. More details are here.
- Information on NY Waterway’s fireworks cruises is here.
- Jersey City will host an all-day festival featuring Flo Rida, then Grucci fireworks on the Hudson River. Information is linked here.
Due to pandemic surges, counties or cities may adjust or cancel events at the last minute, so double-check with organizers. Know of other events in the area? Post them on the Patch calendar.