FBI Most Wanted: NJ fugitive hunted, accused of killing fiancée & dog


FBI hunting accused killer Anne-Marie Caruso, NorthJersey

Olga DeJesus and Lamont Stephenson were happy together. They reunited at their 20th high school reunion. They got engaged.

A few months after they reunited, Stephenson was accused of killing DeJesus and her dog in October 2014.

Now the FBI is on a nationwide hunt for Stephenson, 43, a fugitive they marked as one of their top 10 most wanted in the world. 

DeJesus, 40, and her dog were found unresponsive by family members at a home in Newark. Authorities determined both she and the dog had been asphyxiated. 


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DeJesus’ brother recalled her as a happy and friendly person with two children. 

“She was very happy with Lamont Stephenson,” Felix DeJesus Jr. said. “He was happy with her. Something happened that day that caused an argument and he took it upon himself to take her life.” 

“How do you sleep at night, knowing that you killed my sister?” Felix asked, addressing Stephenson. 

Felix said his family is looking for closure. He said he has checked in with the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office on his sister’s case each month four years since the killing. He said he’s happy to see Stephenson named to the top 10 most wanted list because it marks progress in the case. 

“I want justice for my sister,” he said.

He spoke at the FBI’s Newark headquarters, just a few blocks from Newark Penn Station, the place authorities identified as Stephenson’s last known location. Stephenson has relatives in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia and authorities believe he’s most likely in one of those states, according to FBI Special Agent in Charge Gregory W. Ehrie.  

Ehrie issued a warning to Stephenson. 

“You have now joined the notorious ranks of the top 10 fugitives wanted in the world,” Ehrie said. “We will find you. I suggest you turn yourself in at the first available opportunity.” 

New Jersey U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito underscored his office’s focus on public safety, including the creation of a unit in the office tasked with combating violent crime. He stressed the public safety importance of arresting Stephenson.

“He was willing to kill someone he loved,” Carpenito said. “What would he do to a stranger to avoid prosecution?” 

Stephenson was described by law enforcement as a black man with black hair and brown eyes, weighing 220 pounds, standing between 5-foot-6 and 5-foot-7. 

Authorities say he should be considered armed and dangerous. The FBI is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to his capture. 

Check back for updates on this breaking news story. 

Andrew Ford: @AndrewFordNews; 732-643-4281; aford3@gannettnj.com

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