Essex County Peace League To Hold Pro-Immigration Presentation – Montclair, NJ Patch

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The Essex County branch of the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom will host a “First Friends” presentation at their Wednesday, Jan. 9 meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Annex Building of the Montclair Cooperative School, 65 Chestnut Street in Montclair.

According to a news release from the group, First Friends is an advocacy group for immigrants housed in Government Detention Centers, including those seeking asylum. First Friends strives to “uphold the inherent dignity and humanity of detained immigrants by promoting compassion through volunteer visitation, resettlement assistance, and advocacy.” This past year they mitigated for a Medical Oversight Board to be established at the Hudson County Detention Center after 2 people died at the Facility, and they actively organize protests to keep the pressure on Government to reform their procedures and spark consciences – “Justice Not Jails for Children” read a sign at a recent demonstration.

The group stated that the public is invited to attend and learn more about what they can do to “ease the suffering and contribute to the public voice for those who have no voice.”

For more information, call Fran Gardella at 848-448-4335. First Friends has a website,, with additional information. In the event of snow, the presentation will be rescheduled at a date TBD.

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File Photo: Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom

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