Essex County Links Making an Impact With Its Giving Thanks Campaign –

The Essex County Chapter of The Links Incorporated (ECCL) had great response to it’s Giving Thanks Campaign.The chapter’s Services To Youth (STY) facet led by chapter members Mikki Murphy, ShawnDya Simpson Walthour and Julie Jackson, partnered with the organization Women of Essex, and the collaboration proved to be a powerful one. On Monday, November 16 they delivered hundreds of pounds of food items, diapers, and gloves to the St. James AME Church in Newark, NJ, along with checks totaling $1,150.
“As we all know, the pandemic continues to directly impact members of the communities we serve. One of those communities is Newark.”, expressed Dr. Karma B. Warren, President, ECCL. STY decided to launch a campaign that would directly benefit Newark families at this time of great need. They identified the St. James AME soup kitchen as a beneficiary, given the work that they do in the community throughout the year. STY Co-chair Mikki Murphy said, “We launched the Giving Thanks Campaign in October and spent 3 weeks collecting particular items requested by St. James.” Such items included specific canned goods, cereal, rice/pasta, sugar, and other non-perishables. In addition to food, the ECCL collected diapers and were fortunate to be able to deliver 100 pairs of children’s gloves as part of their donation.
The Essex County Chapter of The Links, Inc. reported that on Monday, November 16, they delivered:
A $1,000 check (plus $150 in personal checks) to St. James to use to purchase items at their discretion
800 cans of canned food
50 restaurant size cans of food
497 pounds of rice
200 pounds of sugar
104 packs of oatmeal
60 boxes of cereal
1,800 Pampers/Huggies
100 pairs of gloves for kids
The Essex County Chapter of The Links, Incorporated is proud and grateful for the impact these donations will have on families in Essex County.
About The Links, Incorporated
The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation, established in 1946. The membership consists of nearly 14,000 professional women of color in 284 chapters located in 41 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the United Kingdom. It is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. Essex County (NJ) Chapter, The Links, Incorporated was established in 1986. Karma B. Warren, President, Essex County (NJ) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.
About St. James AME Church
St James AME church provides services to the Newark community year round. Their mission is to “support the family unit by helping to change the economic circumstances and improving the overall quality of life for children, the elderly, low-income families, the working poor and the homeless.”
St. James’ Soulfood Cafe Soup Kitchen serves lunch on Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 2:00 PM, and dinner on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They serve an average 175 people per day through an operation run by a group of dedicated volunteers. The chef prepares home-style, nutritious, and well-balanced meals.