Environmentalists slam flexibility in NJ Transit’s plan for power plant – NJ.com

Environmentalists returned to NJ Transit roughly 15 months after they successfully lobbied the agency to build a back-up power plant using solar and renewable power, to criticize it for allowing a natural gas power plant as an option.

The 140 megawatt generator in question is part of the larger NJ Transitgrid Power System, a $577 million project that would provide emergency electricity to Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor, parts of NJ Transit’s Morris and Essex lines and that’s used to run Hudson-Bergen light rail in case of a power outage. The project is partly funded with $410 million in federal Hurricane Sandy resiliency funds.

On Oct. 20, 2020, Kevin Corbett, NJ Transit CEO said the project was being reimagined to make it more environmentally friendly, with a goal to get to 100% renewable energy.

But environmentalists who spoke at Wednesday night’s board of directors meeting said a December 2021 request for proposals for Transitgrid seems like a gas power plant is an option again.

“The way the RFP is written seems to allow for a new gas fired power plant at the center of this project with renewables as an afterthought,” said Samantha Difalco, North Jersey Organizer for Food & Water Watch. “The RFP has no information about building solar panels on transit property.”

In October 2020, officials said a natural gas plant isn’t totally off the table.

“We’re looking to make it as green as possible, we want to get to the 100% goal,” Corbett said in October 2020. “It does not preclude the use of a gas power plant.”

Environmentalists said Wednesday the RFP leaves the door open for a “central facility” gas powered plant that can be converted to a more environmentally form of power generation in the future.

“There are critical issues with the new RFP allowing for a gas (fueled) power plant as the center of the project,” said Matthew Smith, Food and Water Watch state director. “It allows Fossil Fuel use as long as it transitions to carbon neutral by 2050. They are ignoring the governor’s interim (climate change) targets.”

The RFP said “proposals must feature technically feasible and financially viable Renewable and or Clean Energy Components, and demonstrate a transition to those components consistent with New Jersey’s 2019 Energy Master Plan and Governor (Phil) Murphy’s climate change goals.”

The RFP also requires bidders to make a calculation of plant carbon emissions. It also defines carbon-neutrality as having a “net zero carbon footprint by eliminating carbon emissions or balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal.”

However David Pringle, an Empower New Jersey Steering committee member, said carbon neutral doesn’t automatically equal no pollution.

“It allows allow for fossil fuel proposals as long as they transition to be carbon neutral,” he said. “Carbon neutral isn’t emission neutral. It’s against environmental justice and the governor’s order to cut emissions.”

The RFP said NJ Transit wants to sell electricity to Amtrak and to the regional power grid to generate revenue. But if a gas powered plant is selected, it would be running more and emitting more pollutants, affecting communities already overburdened with pollution and respiratory aliments it causes, environmentalists said.

“It will run for more hours than required for emergency situations, that means more air emissions and creating more pollution,” said Elizabeth McCrory of Hoboken. “I thought my children and grandchildren would be breathing clean air?”

NJ Transit officials said they will provide updates on the project at the next Energy and Sustainability committee meeting at 3 p.m., on Feb. 24.

“We’ve been crystal clear about our desire for the designs to maximize the use of renewables and/or clean energy components, which is the basis for the stipends (for bidders),” said Nancy Snyder, an NJ Transit spokeswoman. “We are specifically calling for designs that meet the Governor’s Energy Master Plan goals.”

Because TransitGrid is an active procurement, it might be not appropriate to comment on that process, said board member James D. Adams. But he assured the speakers, “The Energy and Sustainability Committee hears your comments loud and clear.”

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Larry Higgs may be reached at lhiggs@njadvancemedia.com.