“Districts Like This Determine The Outcome Tuesday Night” – Jay Webber in Nutley

NUTLEY, NJ – Assemblyman Jay Webber, candidate for the 11th Congressional District of New Jersey, met a group of Nutley Republicans at the home of Township of Nutley Matriarch Ruth Bedford Sunday night. Bedford was also described as the matriarch of the Essex County Republicans.
Walt Smith, chair of the Nutley Republican Club, served as host of the evening. Upon Webber’s arrival, Smith called the attendees into the main room of the house to meet the candidate. Smith explained that the club has been hosting cocktail parties for Republican candidates for four decades in Nutley, and then recognized local and county dignitaries in the room including Mayor Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli. Smith recognized the Board of Education members who are currently seeking reelection and stated that “I hope these three stay there.”
Webber took time to speak with Bedford, making her the center of his attention. The two spoke quietly, with Webber listening intently.
Webber addressed the assembled crowd beginning with his background in a middle class family in Clifton and continued with his education and meeting his wife in law school. The father of seven explained that running for Congress was not a part of his plan until Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the decision to not run for re-election.
During the evening, Webber stayed on message of keeping the Trump momentum going. He said “it is refreshing to have a president do what he said he would do.” and then highlighted economic growth, strong employment, and job creation. He contrasted the current administration to the growth in food stamps and medicaid under the Obama administration. In a reference to the Democrat candidate, Webber stated, “do we need a politician in a helicopter looking down on us?”
Stressing the importance of getting every Republican to get out and vote, Webber said “districts like this will determine the outcome Tuesday night.” The NJ-11 district stretches from Nutley to Sparta.
After speaking, Bedford told Webber to “Come again when you’re elected.”
Bedford, who will be celebrating her 101st birthday this coming Spring, has been a long time supporter of Republican candidates and has opened her home to candidates during every election season.
Polls in New Jersey from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday November 6, 2018.
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