Coronavirus NJ: Hard-hit nursing homes failed infection control, staffing | Investigation – Burlington County Times

Eight out of 10 NJ nursing homes affected by coronavirus have been cited for infection-control problems — a weakness the virus in exploiting with deadlu consequences.
Eight out of every 10 New Jersey nursing homes with coronavirus-afflicted residents were warned over the years that they didn’t follow mandatory infection-control standards, which are crucial to stopping the spread of viruses and other deadly diseases, an investigation led by the Asbury Park Press and the USA TODAY Network Atlantic Group found.
At least 34 of the nursing homes with COVID-19 outbreaks were cited three or more times over a three-year review period for not following federal health standards, such as the New Jersey Veterans’ Memorial Home in Menlo Park, which reported 53 deaths and 165 residents with coronavirus as of May 4, the Network found. The Network is a consortium of 37 Gannett-owned newspapers and websites in the northeast.
New York has fared better, but not by much. More than half of New York nursing homes with COVID-19 deaths had infection-control citations from the federal government.
At all New Jersey nursing homes — officially deemed “long-term care” facilities by the state — at least 1,963 residents have died from the virus, or about 25% of all COVID-19-related deaths, the Network found by comparing federal inspection data with New Jersey’s outbreak reports.The state death rate jumps to 50% when other senior citizen-focused centers are factored in, such as the apartment-like assisted-living campuses.
Nursing homes in hard-hit Bergen, Essex and Middlesex counties have the highest number of coronavirus infections, with more than 1,000 cases in each county last week, according to a review of state reports. The Andover Subacute Rehabilitation Center I and II in Andover Township, with 67 deaths as of May 4, had a history of inspection citations.
Just 12 of the 368 long-term care facilities in New Jersey had no COVID-19 cases and no infection-control citations from the federal government from 2017 through 2019, the Network found.
The pandemic outbreak has exploited, with deadly consequences, one of the most troublesome — but frequently unheeded — problems in the nursing home industry across the nation: keeping residents safe from germs.
“Even the best nursing homes are having difficulty dealing with COVID-19, so it makes you look to see if the entire system is in need of change,” said Alison Kris, an associate professor of nursing at Fairfield University in Connecticut, whose research focuses on nursing home care.
‘Stressor for the whole system’
But as the weaknesses in nursing homes’ defense against COVID-19 are laid bare, one desperate question remains unanswered: what must be done to stop the virus from killing the most frail if a second wave hits in the fall?
COVID-19-related illnesses in nursing homes account for about a quarter of deaths in the U.S., USA TODAY found.
But the data remains incomplete as many states haven’t released nursing home information and each state varies on how they tally their cases. New York, for example, only releases deaths at nursing homes while New Jersey and Maryland release the number of infections and deaths at homes and assisted-living facilities. Pennsylvania has released no nursing home data.
Adding fuel to the outbreak is a lack of nursing home nurses and aides, many of whom have been affected by the virus, said Dr. David R. Barile, medical director of Geriatric and Palliative Services, and the Geriatric Section Chief at University of Pennsylvania Hospital of Princeton.
With fewer workers to handle even the most rudimentary tasks of feeding residents, Barile has found himself as a caretaker as well as a doctor, having to provide water and food to his patients in nursing homes. On one recent day, as he fed one patient, a frantic call for help came from another room. When he rushed to the patient, she had suffered a fatal heart attack. Barile said she likely died from a blood clot caused by the virus or just not being able to walk because she was confined to her room as one way to stop the viral spread.
“It’s a frail industry,” said Barile, who has been in practice for 25 years. “Staffing has always been a problem,” but made worse now because of employee absences.
Infection-control is always a concern at nursing homes, but the scarcity of equipment has left staffers to improvise their own personal protective equipment, or PPE, by wearing trash bags and raincoats as medical gowns.
Barile, founder of a group to improve palliative care, has publicly called on the governor to provide more PPE and even to call out the National Guard to help staff the hardest-hit nursing homes. Barile said he feels as if the government sees nursing homes as “someone else’s problem.” He has yet to hear a response from Gov. Phil Murphy. The state health department told the Network that it had provided millions of pieces of PPE gear to nursing homes since the outbreak.
The virus “is a stressor for the whole system,” Barile said. “Everything is being exposed. The weak links are being exposed across the world.”
One home with no infections
Long-term care facilities are home to some of the most ill and weakest patients in the state, including those with dementia and adults who cannot walk without assistance. Nursing homes provide a higher degree of health care than other facilities that are geared toward senior living, such as assisted-living apartments, which are not inspected by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, one of the oversight agencies for nursing homes.
A handful of long-term care facilities in the state have been able to avoid COVID-19 infections, such as Seacrest Village in Little Egg Harbor, Ocean County.
“Our job is to take care of the frail and the elderly, and we take it very seriously,” said Brian Holloway, presidentof Seacrest Village. As of May 4, the facility had reported no COVID-19 cases.
Holloway said the assisted living and nursing home facility has been “blessed.” He believes its location in southern New Jersey has helped spare it from the kinds of outbreaks seen in facilities in northern counties.
“We were proactive,” he said. “We started buying PPE right away (in early February).
“We really started paying attention to the CDC guidelines. We pulled out our (flu pandemic) play book,” Holloway said. “This being a new pandemic, one without a vaccine, a whole new playbook is going to be written.”
Early on, managers held meetings with staff about infection control practices andvigilanthandhygiene, he said.
“We’re buying our own tests. We’re not waiting for the state,” he said.
Seacrest also created a 22-bed isolation unit in preparation for COVID-19 positive patients, Holloway said. The unit is in a part of the building that is separated from the main nursing home and has specially assigned staff to work there, hesaid.
“I think we’re in a really good place, other than having this virus outside this door,” Holloway said. “I think our people are up to the challenge.”
Little help with testing
Currently, New Jersey publishes only the names and towns of nursing homes, not their license numbers or addresses, which would make a match with Medicare inspection data exact. Using a computer analysis program, the Network was able to match 203 COVID-19-affected homes out of the 368 nursing homes to the federal data. Variations in names limited comparison to the other homes. The below comparison is based on the 203 homes. The Network found that:
Nursing homesaccountedfor at least 75% of all COVID-19-relateddeathsin non-hospitalcare facilities.At least 1,963 residents, andpossiblyemployees in the 203 homes, died of coronavirus-related illnesses. For those 203 nursing homesidentified, there were 30,375bedsavailable. If all the beds were occupiedduringthe outbreak,therewasa 1-in-15 chance, or 6.5%t, thata residentdiedfrom coronavirus, higher than the national average of 5.9%. Beyond the 203 nursing homes, assisted-living centers, which provide more independent living arrangements than nursing homes, accounted for at least 16% of non-hospital deaths. Of the 175 assisted-living facilities in the state, the Press was able toanalyzedata from 105 of them.There were at least 381 deaths as of April 29 in the 105 centers.
While at least 81% of nursing homes with infection-control citations from Medicare also had COVID-19 cases, the virus’s spread can’t be blamed solely on incidents of unwashed hands and other common violations, nursing home industry representatives say. The infection can fester without symptoms for days, allowing it to spread unnoticed — until the fever kicks in.
“It’s important to know that we’re on the front of the battle,” said Jon Dolan, president and CEO of the Health Care Association of New Jersey, a trade group for the state’s nursing homes. “We’ll be dealing with it (COVID-19) in the fall. We’ll be dealing with it when people go back to the Shore.”
Dolan said geography has played an outsized role in whether a nursing home experiences an outbreak or not.The facilities in northern New Jersey, on average, have been more severely impacted than those in the rest of the state.
‘It makes no sense’: Feds consider relaxing infection control in U.S. nursing homes
A lack of testing within nursing homes and a lack of resources also contributed to the outbreaks, he said.Facilities have invested heavily inPPE, buthave received little help from state and local governments to mitigate the spread,despite their vulnerable populations,he said.
At the federal level, “long-term care has never been the priority,” Dolan said.
After a deadly virus outbreak killed 11 medically fragile children in afacilityin Wanaque in 2018, long-term carecentersacross New Jerseyevaluated andadjusted their infection protocols, Dolan said.Since that outbreak, New Jersey passed a law requiring such facilities to be ready to isolate sick and at-risk residents from their healthy neighbors.
Nursing homes have also been challenged by COVID-19’s slow incubation period. A resident’sreturn trip from ahospitalcould unknowinglyintroducethe virus into a facility, Dolansaid.
Nursing home staff have done what they could to combat thevirus, buthave done so without the extra help and supplies that were delivered to area hospitals, he said.Staffs have continued working as the virus has sickened, and sometimes killed, theircolleagues, he said.
“I was very pleased to hear that so manyfacilities were doing so manythings right,” Dolan said.
He warned against vilifying nursing homes, saying:“I don’t want good people blamed for a bad virus.”
Infection control problems
Past infection-control problems identified by Medicare inspectors show how easy it is for infections to spread from seemingly innocuous activities in nursing homes. Below are examples of what Medicare inspectors saw during their annual visits to the facilities:
– At CareOne at Wall, 2018 inspection reports showedlab technicians drawingblood from multiple patients, and though they changed gloves, they never washed their hands. After drawing blood, a technician scooped ice from an ice machine without washing or sanitizing her hands. No infection-control issues were cited in 2019.
– A CareOne at Wall nurse was seen pushing trash down into a medical cart receptacle bin with her bare hands and then touched items on the medicine cart, used a computer mouse and prepared medicine for a patient without washing her hands or using sanitizing gel, the 2018 report stated.By 2019, though, the facility had no infection-control citations. Since the outbreak, 10 patients have died and another55 were infected with COVID-19 at CareOne, according to state data.
– A nurse at Leisure Chateau in Lakewood failed to wash their hands before donning gloves and cleaning the open wound of a patient with a festering amputation. The facility also had a filthy kitchen, according to an inspection report that documented both instances in June 2018. No infection-control issues were cited in 2019.
– At Premier Cadbury of Cherry Hill, a citation report from June, 2017, shows numerous examples of poor care: residents who needed help with feedings did not get assistance; a fly was observed by a dirty meat slicer in a filthy kitchen; and food that should have been chilled was served warm to residents. There were medication errors and complaints by residents. Narcotics were not safely locked up at the nurses station. One nurse observed failed to follow sanitation practices when dressing wounds, and a nursing assistant failed to wash hands between feedings of different patients. Premier Cadbury has so far reported 13 deaths and 84 infections from COVID-19 at its two facilities. The Cherry Hill facilities were cited 23 times in the past three years.
– At the Marcella Center in Burlington Township, a nurse cleaning a wound laid her notebooks on a sterile area that held wound care dressings. When she leaned in to clean the wound, her stethoscope dropped onto bloody towels. She did not notice, according to an inspection report from September 2018. No infection-control issues were cited in 2019.
Kathleen Farrell-Willoughby, of Wall, worries about her 76-year-old husband Henry, who lives in a dementia unit in a nursing home where he has his own room at the Sunnyside Manor in Wall.
“I feel confident where he is, (but) of course I’m worried and concerned,” she said. “It’s rough. We’ve been married for 38 years.”
No cases of COVID-19 have been reported within Sunnyside and Farrell-Willoughby attributes that to the home’s fast-acting response to New Jersey’s coronavirus epidemic. She said staff there told her that $50,000 worth of PPE was purchased at the beginning of the outbreak. Also, visits from friends and family were halted before the step became mandatory throughout the state, she said.
Farrell-Willoughby said she has not seen her husband in person for about six weeks, although they talk regularly through video chats.
During their last conversation, “he touched the screen and started crying,” she said. “It’s really hard.”
Being proactive
Being proactive and acting before government warnings is one way to keep ahead of the virus outbreak, one executive said.
Ben Kurland, chief executive officer of Allaire Health Services, closed his facilities, four of which are in New Jersey, tovisitorsand had his staff began wearing masks and gowns well before it was recommended by the CDC and state in early March.
Staff members now suit up in full personal protective equipment — including face shields and biohazard suits — when working in the COVID-19 units, he said.
His costs for PPE have increased 250% since the onset of the pandemic because of the increased use coupled with price gouging. Kurland said he tries to keep a month worth of PPE on hand at all time. When gear does come, it has to be paid cash on delivery.
Kurland said his facilities also increased the amount of in-service training for staff in an attempt to achieve the “white whale” — keeping COVID-19 out of facilities that are home to dozens of vulnerable people who have multiple ailments that put them at high risk of death.
“Everyone, by and large, is really trying their best. Our staff has gone above and beyond,” he said.
But the early lack of testing for staff and patients returning from hospitals made it difficult to identify and isolate cases. Staff are required to stay home if they are sick, but upwards of 50% of people who have the virus don’t know they do.
“Even the best and most well-prepared facility would have a very hard time preventing a potential outbreak given the myriad points of entry of the virus, including staff that are completely asymptomatic,” he said.“It takes one person to get one case and it spreads like wildfire.”
Kurland said the more significant correlation between high coronavirus cases and deaths in nursing homes is how close they are to a hotspot in the community.
For example, Kurland owns the four-star (out of five) rated Morris View Healthcare Center in Morris Township, which has not had anyinfection control issues in the past three years of Medicare inspections. Yet the facility is grappling with 54 cases of coronavirus and 11 deaths.
His companyalso owns Allaire Rehab & Nursing, the former Monmouth County-owned John L. Montgomery Care Center. The Freehold facility had two citations for infection control in 2018and 2019. Yet it is one of only 10 facilities in Monmouth County withnocoronavirusdeaths.
Kurland said nursing home patients and staff should be — and should have been from the start — given priority in coronavirus testing along with other front-line staff and first responders as the state moves toward a potential increase in COVID-19 cases in the fall and winter.
Beyond this outbreak, Kurland said more needs to be done on the federal and global level to prepare for controlling viruses.
“This is not something that should vary state to state,” he said.
‘Families were left in the dark’
Veteran nursing home in New Jersey have been particularly hard hit, with a total of 122 deaths, including one aide, at the three homes — Veterans Memorial at Paramus (68 deaths), the New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park (53) and Veterans Memorial at Vineland (1).
Menlo Park has been cited three times by federal inspectors for failing to follow proper infection-control procedures, including keeping wounds clean. The facility was also cited for 15 health violations in 2019 — four times higher than the state average.
Families, staffers and even the former deputy commissioner in charge of the two hard-hit homes described a number of chaotic weeks at the facilities resulting in a precipitous decline in care and a near-blackout of communications.
The residents’ best advocates — their families — have been barred from entering the homes since March in an effort to avoid infection.
In one instance, two residents were given each other’s identification bracelets at the Paramus home. When one man died, the wrong family was informed. The other family was told their father — Tom Mastropietro, a Korean War veteran — was doing well when he had been dead for hours.
Kimberly Peck, whose father Vernon Peck, a Menlo Park resident, died on April 12, said families like hers were at the mercy of an overburdened staff at the facility that was often non-responsive.
“Families were left in the dark over how bad it was getting inside those homes,” Peck said. “I have always been a very strong advocate for my dad and we had no idea what was going on with him until the very end.”
At the onset of the outbreak, some staffers complained that they were told not to wear face masks at the onset to avoid disturbing residents. When they were allowed, staffers said they had to bring in their own personal protective equipment. A 62-year-old nurse’s aide who worked in the part of the Paramus home where the outbreak began died on April 16. State officials did not know of his death until a week later.
The nursing home’s management “didn’t take this epidemic serious enough,” said RobertLittle,aregional director for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represents the homes’ workers. “It’s a disgrace in this day and age that a facility like Paramus … [is] not prepared and could not have had everything we needed to protect the employees.”
Staff shortages — from infected workers to those suspected of being infected to those too scared to come into work — hit a peak of 100 a day at the two homes, said MarkPiterski, who resigned this week as aveteransdepartment deputy commissioner who oversaw the facilities.
Piterski said at one point, the CEOs of the two homes were making beds because of the staff shortage.
“There is no way you can offer the same standard when you have that much of your staff call out,” he said.
Gov. Murphy brought in medics from the National Guard and dozens of nurses from the federal Veterans Administration in recent weeks to the homes as reinforcements. A group of outside medical professionals who visited the Paramus home Thursday said that a semblance of order had been restored.
Calls to fix the problem
State Sen. Vin Gopal, D-Monmouth, who chairs the New Jersey Senate Military and Veterans Committee, said he was “deeply disturbed” by the COVID-19 deaths at the state-run veterans’ homes.
Gopal is calling on the state’s newly appointed acting Deputy Commissioner of Veterans Affairs Walter R. Nall to explain what steps the state needs to prevent the problems at the Paramus facility from ever happening again, as well as how the homes improving communication with families.
Gopal also wants Nall to explain how the state homes are preparing for the second wave of cases expected in the fall, including plans to address PPE and staffing shortages.
He said the state should have audits on all nursing homes to make sure they have proper PPE, are following strict guidelines to quarantine patients and are properly communicating information to patients’ families.
Some “bad actors” were not properly self-reporting that data to the Department of Health, which left them wrong information about what was happening in nursing homes, Gopal said.
Too little, too late?
Dr. Hudson Garrett Jr., president and co-founder of the nonprofit Infection Prevention Institute in Atlanta, said staffing, training and equipment make a big difference in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in a facility.
“A hospital is much more used to having multiple patients in isolation,” Garrett said.
Hospitals have specialized equipment, negative-pressure rooms, and high-filter N95 masks and PPE that many nursing homes simply don’t have, he said.
“Many (long-term care) facilities did not even have N95 masks,” Garrett said.
State and federal regulators have stepped up their oversight of nursing homes, but it may be the case of too little, too late.
The state is developing expanded, universal testing strategies for vulnerable and priority populations, including long-term care facilities, according to state Health Department spokeswoman Dawn Thomas. The department, in a pilot program with Cooper University Hospital in Camden, recently testedall ofthe almost 4,000 residents and staff at 16 South Jersey long-term care facilities, which Health Commissioner Judith Persichillihas said will help inform how the state moves forward with its care guidance.
The department works with long-term care facilities to deliver infection control education and has distributed 8.7 million pieces of personal protective equipment to these facilities, including 172,310 face shields, 3.3 million gloves, 35,030 gowns, 1 million N95 masks and 4 million surgical masks, Thomas said.
“New Jersey, like the rest of the nation, is in an unprecedented situation with a pandemic that has not been seen in the U.S. since 1918,” Thomas said in an email to the Network. “Situations like this showpretty clearlythe vulnerability of our systems of care and this is one of them. Like the rest of the nation, we are all learning together the best way to protect this vulnerable population.”
‘The barn doors are open’
If fears of a COVID-19 spike in the fall come to pass, regulators and nursing home operators have just months, not years, to figure out how to protect the most vulnerable residents from a second wave of death.
Infection specialist Alison Krisof Fairfield University joined other nursing professors in calling for reforms in nursing care supervision, including extra monitoring on facilities that have a history of infection control deficiencies and for the state to hire a full-time infection control nurse to work with nursing homes on best practices.
Krissaid nursing homes need just as much attention at the outset of an epidemic as hospitals.
“The focus with COVID-19 early on was squarely on the hospitals,”Krissaid. “That’s where the PPE went. That’s where the extra nurses went. That’s where the test kits went. And you end up with a dwindling amount of resources for nursing homes.”
For Dr. Barile of the Princeton hospital, everyone needs to “rethink” how to care for the elderly by the fall.
If nothing changes, “we are going to lose half our nursing and frail elders,” he said. “It’s sort of like the barn doors are open.”
Susanne Cervenka covers Monmouth County government and property tax issues, winning several state and regional awards for her work. Contact Susanne at @scervenka; 732-643-4229 or
Scott Fallon covers the environment for Reach Scott @NewsFallon or
Amanda Oglesby is an Ocean County native who covers Brick, Barnegat and Lacey townships as well as the environment. Reach Amanda at @OglesbyAPP, or 732-557-5701.
Paul D’Ambrosio is a national award-winning writer and editor. Reach Paul @Paul_DAmbrosio or