Congress must act to advance President Biden’s agenda | Opinion –

Tuesday night, President Biden delivered the State of the Union Address and laid out his agenda to build America back after two challenging years of the pandemic.

Already, the U.S. has brought back 6.5 million new jobs and has seen the largest rate of economic growth in 40 years. This progress is thanks to the American Rescue Plan, passed through Congress last year, which gave New Jerseyans much-needed relief by extending the Child Tax Credit to help families with small children, lowering the cost of health insurance, and helping schools reopen.

However, President Biden recognized that many Americans are not feeling the effects of economic growth in their daily lives, in part due to rising prices, which especially impact the middle class and working families.

Like the president, I believe that we must build economic strength by building up the middle class. The president’s agenda includes measures to bring down the cost of prescription drugs, to make childcare and eldercare affordable, to address housing shortages and price increases, to close tax loopholes which allow corporations to avoid paying their fair share, and to support fair economic competition and fight pandemic price gouging and anti-competitive practices.

The president also addressed important social and political issues such as rampant gun violence, securing the right to vote, and ensuring equal justice on well-policed streets. I strongly believe that Congress must take action on several of these pressing issues in the final session of the 117th Congress.

The president also recognized that the global order has been challenged by a fight between autocracy and democracy. The president called out Putin’s inhumane actions in his ongoing invasion of Ukraine as we witness the horror that Putin has brought to Ukrainian families who refuse to stand down without a fight in the face of tyranny.

But we are not bystanders. I support President Biden’s decision to close American airspace to Russian flights, and to cut off Russia’s largest banks from participating in the global economy. Myself and my colleagues continue to stand in support of the Ukrainian people.

As my constituents know, this is my last year in office, and I hope to leave office knowing that I have supported legislation that protects democracy and improves the lives of New Jerseyans through better jobs, more affordable housing, improved infrastructure, access to higher quality health care and education, and so much more.

By delivering on this president’s agenda, I believe I can deliver that for the people of New Jersey.

Rep. Albio Sires (D-8th District) of West New York represents parts of Hudson, Bergen, Essex and Union counties in the U.S. House of Representatives.